Chapter 2: The After Math

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Sam Pov:

I look down at tommy as he finally close his eyes. I couldn't help but cry as I remember all of the happy memories that tommy and I have. I have even look threw Sam nook memories and saw this happy energetic kid who was trying his best to move on from what dream did to him.

That is when I heard laughter from right behind me. I couldn't help but go into a rage. He did this. He took tommy away from me away from all of us. He needs to pay with his life.

No One Pov:

Sam have started to let out a low growl which caught dream attention. He had finally stop laughing and had look at Sam who was generally placing tommy dead body down. He got up but dream couldn't see Sam face which made him nervous.

Dream got closer to Sam wondering what he his reaction look like.

Dream- It looks like you couldn't protect him Sam like you promise maybe you shouldn't make promises that you can't keep.

That is when Sam let out this monster like scream and had claw at dream mask making it fall on the ground with a huge claw mark on it.

Dream look at Sam in horror. Sam had this look this rage that make you think he could kill anyone in sight. Dream tried to run only to be grab by Sam and slam into a wall hard.

Dream look up as smoke had started coming out of Sam mouth. Dream had started to shake as Sam open his mouth. A familiar creeper hissing sound could be heard and Sam mouth got bigger and wider. Dream thought he was going to die but as one last effort dream scream Sam name hoping to snap him out of this horrifying sage which it did.

Sam seem to have snap out of it and had drop dream. Dream landed on the floor hard which made him whimper but Sam wasn't done with dream.

He kick dream hard before picking him up and slamming him to the wall again.

Sam- You better hope this revival book works because if it doesn't I will make sure you wish you were dead

Dream could oh nod before being slam to the floor. Sam pick up tommy body as it had started to disappear before leaving dream.

Dream doesn't know what to feel as he does feel happy and smug but there was a small part of him that was scared but he just push that thought away thinking it was nothing.

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