Chapter 11: Time Skip

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No One Pov:

It been a couple of mouths after the incident at the cafe. Tommy decided that he was going to be the best vigilante he can be. Tommy was even able to learn a few things from Hunk old teammates who came to visit him over the weekend.

Tommy did had some trouble with being a Vigilante at first because he didn't know where to start but when he started reading more about them and even found a place where he can patrol around without running into any heroes he was good to go.

*Time Skip*

Tommy Pov:

I was heading back "home" after a long shift I had at the cafe when I notice these three group of boys walking into my direction smiling. Now I didn't think anything of it but when I walk past him I heard a boy with red eyes and blond hair said something about teaching him a lesson?

I didn't know what he was talking about but the way he said it did not make me happy. That is when I heard someone silent crying in a back ally way. I started to get worry so I turn to where I heard the crying.

Tommy- Hey anyone back there?

???- Oh ya um sorry I was just leaving

Tommy- Hey wait are yoh ok? You look hurt

???- Oh I am just fine I just need to head home now my mom is purposely worry about me

Tommy- Ok then just take it easy. My name is Big Boss Tommyinnit Minecraft but you can just call me tommy and I work at the yellow lion cafe down the block. I'm there most days so if you ever want to talk or just anything you can just come on in. Just tell the people that work there tommy send you alright

???- Ok thank you by the way my name is Izuku Midoriya

Tommy- Its Nice to meet you Midoryia just head home safe alright there been strange things that have been happening as a lately and I don't want a good kid like you getting kidnap or even worse.

Izuku- Oh alright thank you again Tommy

Tommy- Its no problem by the way what did happen?

Izuku- Oh umm just some friends playing around that all

Tommy- That doesn't look like playing. If there bullying you should tell a teacher or something. I can see by the uniform your wearing your a middle scholar

Izuku- Oh no there not bullying me I'm fine but I really should get going it was really nice meeting you tommy

Tommy- Ya it was the same midoriya but keep in mind my offer is always open.

Izuku- I'll well thank you

With that the young green hair boy left. I felt bad for him because I knew the feeling that he must be feeling right now. Those eyes may seem bright and innocent but there hiding true pain and suffering. I hope the kid is alright oh who am I kidding I don't know his life.

Tommy- *sigh*  *ding* huh?

My Chat box just went off I wonder ho just massage me. I look down to see Hunk had just message me.

The Hunkser- Hey Tommy I need to talk to you

BossInnt- If it about eating the pastries again it wasn't me I promise it was Danny

The Hunkser- Wait what!? Tommy you know those are for the homeless people right?

BossInnt- I am homeless though

The Hunkser- Tommy you know what I mean

BossInnt- Fine should I head back to the cafe today or?

The Hunkser- Yes pls

BossInnt- Fine I am on my way

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