Chapter 8: Wheres Tommy?

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Tommy Pov:

Since the kidnapping incident I have started my training again. It seem that I was rusty as I couldn't even properly defined myself from being kidnap.

I train day and night hoping that I can get better at it. I even started training at the beach as it seem there is a lot of trash there.

There were some interesting things there that I couldn't help but take and hid. I didn't want other people fining the things I have found and also didn't want it being thrown in the trash.

When I went to work the next day after the kidnapping my boss was so worry about me. He taught me a few things but it wasn't a lot since he haven't fought in a long while.

Danny was also worry about me. He told me that teen like us should stick together but I knew he had his own problem to deal with. He have a daughter to look after and I didn't want to cause more problems for him as I understand the struggle with a child.

Child? Oh how I miss shroud. I hope he doing ok.

No one Pov:

Shroud was playing with micheal but he does miss his father.

Micheal & shroud would always ask if he coming back but no one would answer them.

When they ask tubbo he would say tommy doing his own thing right now. If they ask ranboo he would say he couldn't remember the last time he seen tommy but he sure he would return soon.

Shroud was started to get worry as his father normally don't leave this long without leaving a note or supplies for him. He decided to try and find answers on his own but sadly he doesn't know where to start so for now he will just wait for him.

Ranboo Pov:

I started to wonder where is tommy at. Tubbo doesn't seem that worry but tommy haven't come been seen in a while. When I went to go see him the other day I only saw shroud.


Ranboo- *knock* knock* knock* tommy you there

There was no answer so I decided to let myself in when I did. It seem tommy haven't been there for days. I look around only to see shroud crying

Ranboo- Shroud you ok there?

Shroud- uncle Ranboo

He ran and hug me before crying his eyes out.

Ranboo- Shroud what's wrong?

Shroud- I don't know where daddy at. He told me that he had some unfinished business and that he will come back but he never did

Ranboo- oh shroud I bet he is just busy why don't you come to my house and you can play with micheal for a little bit. Maybe stay at are house until tommy returns would you like that?

Shroud- yes I would like that I just don't want to be alone right now

*Flashback ends*

He was crying and shaking that day. When days go by though he would always ask if his dad was going to come back but I told him he will but now I am starting to doubt myself.

I decided to try and ask Sam nook as he might know where tommy is

Ranboo- hey Sam Nook do you know where tommy is?

Sam Nook- No I don't know where tommy is but if you do find him pls make sure he come back over here. I don't like Jackmanifold taking over the hotel we had build

Ranboo- Oh ok did you know where he was going before he went missing?

Sam Nook- He told me he went to go see Sam in the prison

Ranboo- Oh ok maybe I can ask him then thank you Sam Nook

Sam Nook- No problem just when you find him tell him to come see me

Ranboo- Well do

I went to the prison in hope to find Sam and I did. He was guarding the place and I walk up to him.

Ranboo- Sam just the man I was looking for have you seen tommy? Sam Nook told me he went to see you

Sam- Umm tommy well I don't know the kindest way to say this ranboo but tommy is dead.

Ranboo- What do you mean he dead? Tommy can't be dead he had just started living his life Sam

Sam- Well sadly its true dream killed him

Ranboo- Dream killed him? Sam why was tommy with dream in the first place?

Sam- He came to visit dream but the prison went into lockdown and I couldn't do anything to help him.

Ranboo- So you left him in there with him

Sam- He told us he won't kill him

Ranboo- You could never trust what dream said Sam I can't believe you

With that I left but before I left Sam grab my arm.

Sam- Ranboo before you go don't tell Sam Nook about tommy death pls it will break him

Ranboo- You want me to lie to him. Sam he deserve to know. He also been worry about tommy

Sam- No he doesn't just pls don't tell him I don't want to deal with that right now

Ranboo- Fine I won't tell Sam Nook but you will have to tell him Sam and soon because all he seem to be doing right now is waiting for him to come home

With that ranboo left but he had started to wonder how he going to tell shroud that his dad might not be coming back for him anytime soon.

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