Chapter 9: Robbers Beware

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Tommy Pov:

I was doing my normal thing helping a customer out. This day was going great for me too. While looking around at the beach and cleaning it up a little bit I was able to find some sticks. Since I can't find trees yet this made me happy the only problem is that I don't have any planks or stone yet.

I wasn't late and didn't run into any problems. Hunk even made me some lunch which was one of the first real meals I had in a while.

Anyways I was helping some of the customers out today. Danny couldn't come in today due to him in rolling his daughter in school which lead me to take his morning shift. He also had some school problems of his own as well.

I was happy for him because he really seem to have a plan in life while I was trying to figure out what I should do still.

After helping some customers out with there choice of food. Hunk had to take off early which lead me in charge.

I was cleaning off the counter before I had to head in the back rooms. That when some people burst into the door. Yelling for everyone to get on the ground and give them their money.

They couldn't see me because I was in the back room trying to get some more coffee supplies. I slowly came out from the room to see a guy behind the counter trying to get into the cash resistor. I hit the guy in the back of the head knocking him out.

The other two guys look at me and pointed there guns at me. I couldn't help but smile as I knee this was a rare chance for me to see if my training was paying off.

I jump over the counter and attack the closest guy. He tried to fight back as the other guy tried to grab me but I was way faster than both of them.

In only a few moves I had both guys knock out on the ground. Thankfully of the customers called the polices.

*Few minutes later*

I tide the three guys together with what we had in the back when the police came. Someone who look very familiar to me came in first and look around before turning to me.

He ask me if I was ok which I told him I was. I just couldn't help but look at him for a second. I knew I have seen him before I just can't remember where but before he can ask me another question the police officers had pull me a side and started asking there questions.

The dude with the scarf went to help the other customer and that is when I remember him. He was the first person who I ran into before running away. What is he doing here? Is he a hero or something?

It took a few minutes before my manager had shown up. He was ask a few questions before they pull come officers to the back where they watch the cameras.

That is when they turn to me.

Police Officers- Your very lucky today young man since this was another act of self defense and you didn't use your quirk illegally you are free to go have a nice day.

Tommy- Wait use your quirk illegally what does that mean?

Hunk- He talking about how you didn't use your powers to fight back. You see that kinda illegal around here

Tommy- Why is it illegal?

Hunk- Its illegal so people don't do Vigilantism as that a serious crime around here and also don't hurt anyone around.

Tommy- Vigilantism? How is that a crime if there just helping people?

Hunk- That I don't know.

Tommy- So what I am hearing is its illegal to help people or use your quirk in self defense unless your a hero or something? That so dumb I mean think about it.

Hunk- You can blame the government and the hero organization for that but anyway we should start closing shop early. Don't worry I will pay you fully and even make you some food before you go.

With that hunk went into the back room while I was sitting there with my thoughts on the whole matter.

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