Chapter 23: Found Out

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Tommy Pov:

I was running away from a underground hero that have been chasing me for some time. I let my wings go and tried to fly away when another winged hero show up.

Hawks- Why hello there little fletchling

Icarus sign- Don't call me that no one is aloud to call me that no after he left-

I stop signing before turning around to see the scarf underground hero also reading what I am signing

I let my wings go and flew away. The winged hero following me and shooting feathers at me.

I turn around and use a wing attack pushing the hero away from me before flying away fast.

Hawks Pov:

When Eraserhead told me that the vigilante that he being going after for some time had wings I didn't realize he had similar wings to me.

The wing attack he did on me push me into a building. I was able to get up but when I look to where he was he was gone.

Eraserhead- Hawks you ok?

Hawks- Ya I'm ok but man you weren't lying when you said he had wings. They kinda look beautiful.

That is when I notice a blue & red feather on the roof. I went to grab them but when I touch them I felt my hand being melted off.

Hawks- Ow what the-

Eraserhead- you ok?

Hawks- Ya I'm fine it just when I try grabbing his feathers they burn me that all

The underground hero look at me before trying the same thing. The feathers also burn him to making his hand go backwards.

Eraserhead- It seem that his wings are made up of fire of some kind or at least his feathers but what do you think he was talking about?

Hawks- I called him fletchling and he got mad. I think someone use to call him that before something bad happen

Eraserhead- Great more trauma for me to deal with.

Hawks- He also looks young if I have to bet he around 17-25.

Eraserhead- I guess I can get that written down on his report

Hawks- What is his name again?

Eraserhead- He calls himself Icarus

Hawks- As in the Greek Legend?

Eraserhead- Yup. I ran into him a couple of times and got some information of him. He told me that Icarus and him relates a lot

Hawks- That not a good sign specifically senses Icarus did died at the end of the Legend man he need help fast

Eraserhead- I know but there nothing we can do for now

Izuku Pov:

I was up late doing some extra work on the computer when I heard someone came into the cafe. I jump a little before walking up stares to see Icarus a popular vigilante that I have been hearing about.

He was curing before taking off his mask making me gasp. Icarus was tommy? I guess that make sense on where he going.

I look up at tommy and he was looking at me.

Tommy- Oh umm h-hey Izuku w-why are you still awake

Izuku- I was getting some things done on the computer but that besides the point. Your Icarus

Tommy- Surprised pls don't tell anyone

Izuku- Of course I won't tell anyone your pretty much my brother tommy it just surprising that all but it does make so much more sense

Tommy- Ya I guess

Izuku- You don't have to worry about anything tommy I won't tell a soul alright. You have my word but I do have some questions like when did this happen, can you finally tell me your quirk, did you ran into any heroes yet, what type of crime have you stop, how long have you been-

Tommy- Ok ok ok I will explain everything just please calm down

Izuku- Ok I'm sorry it just I am really curious

Tommy- I guess I can stop at the top. It all started on how I got here in the first place.

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