Chapter 4: Panicing

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Eraserhead Pov:

I was patrolling and stopping crime like I normally would when I heard a crash like sound. I thought it could be a villain or a criminal so I went to go check it out.

I didn't see anything to bad but that is when I spotted an ally way. I took a peak just to make sure there wasn't anyone there but what I didn't expect to see was a teen that look half dead and is barely standing. I couldn't get a good look at him but I could tell he was on guard.

He was looking around as if trying to find someone and that is when I realized does he know I'm here?

I stepped off of the roof and had landed on the ground when I started slowly walking up to him.

He look at me and I just froze I tried speaking to him telling him that everything is going to be just ok but he back away from me as if he doesn't know who I am.

That is when he threw something. It look like a ball of some sort I look at him but before I can ask him a question he was just gone as if he teleported away.

I tried looking for him but I couldn't find him which make me wonder were did he go.

Tommy Pov:

I have no idea who that guy was or why he was trying to calm me down. I notice quickly that this wasn't the dream smp anymore but that also mean where the fuck am I?

I tried to remember what happen after the prison but the only thing I can remember was a kind voice telling me that she going to set me free from the pain of the dream smp.

Tommy Mind- Did she bring me to a new server away from the dream smp if so who was that guy.

When I tried to bring up the names who were on the server all I got was an error mark which made me freeze.

Tommy Mumbles-That never happen before

I tried bring up my chat log and my communication device to see if I can connect to any of my old friend so I tried texting tubbo first.

Tommy- Tubbo you there

When I tried to send it to him what I got was an error so I tried with ranboo but I also got the same error message.

Tommy Mind- So I can't connect with anyone on the old server noticed

I look at my Inventory seeing if there was anything that could help me but all I have is an Axe of peace, five golden apples, a healing potion and one ender peal.

I took out the healing potion and drank it hoping its enough to heal what wounds I have left and stop me from being in pain.

I couldn't help but also notice that there aren't any mods around which make me think that this server have them off.

Tommy Mind- What am I going to do now I can't stay here. What would happen if the guy with the scarf finds me. I don't know anything about this server and it scared me. What if there more of those people around and they tried to kill me.

I took a deep breath as I tried to calm myself down but that is when I saw a small puddle on the floor.

I went to go look at myself only to be horrified with what I saw. First I had devil horns growing from the top of my head which which weren't there when I was on the dream smp. Next was how all bloody every was it looks like I murder a guy or something. The final thing was my eye. It wasn't a dull whiteish blue anymore but it have that error color which was black and purple.

I started to freak now now as I grab my eye. This is not normal. I need to hide this or else people here might think I'm a freak. I also need a change of close as they're cover in my own blood. I notice that the wounds were close and heal though so I guess that an upside.

I need to find out more about this world and fast or else I might as well get killed.

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