Chapter 13: Its You Again

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No One Pov:

Tommy was able to move things in and even was able to decorate the bottom of the store. It was like tommy little hide out. While helping putting box up in the attic tommy found some old alien weapons in one box and decided to keep it in his room just in case he needs to use it.

The basement change from a place where people use to store to a man cave of some kind. Of course tommy was able to make the basement bigger after getting some wood.

*Time Skip*

Tommy Pov:

I was coming back from getting food for Hunk when I saw some people fighting in an ally way. I notice it was the same group of boys laughing and hitting something or should I say someone.

I look and saw it was the same kid that I ran into a few weeks ago.

Tommy- Hey what going on here?

2??- Oh shit um we are just playing around with a friend of ours wanna join?

Tommy- What? No are you crazy also its illegal to use your quirks out in public are you trying to get in trouble?

That is when the blonde dude with red eyes turn to me. I got to see a better look at midoriya and was horrified. I ran to him and push the blonde kid away from him before taking out my wings and shielding him from the group of boys

Tommy- I don't know who you are but if you don't leave now I am calling the cops and reporting you for using your quirk without a license.

1??- Tsh come on extras lets get out of here them but don't think this is over deku

With that the group of boys left which made me let out a sigh of relief

Tommy- Hey you ok?

Izuku- I am now thank you tommy.

I pull him up before hiding my wings again. He look amazed at them. I grab my friend by the arm and pull him to the cafe.

Tommy- Hey hunk the groceries are on the counter if you need me I will be in my room

Hunk- Ok thank you.

I pull Izuku to my room where he was amazed on how it turn out. It kinda look like a man cave or what I like to called a secret base.

Izuku- Wow

Tommy- So midoriya right?

Izuku- Yes?

Tommy- Why were those boys bullying you?

Izuku- They weren't bullying me tommy they were just playing that all

Tommy- huh ok then if they weren't bullying you then what's up with the blonde dude? He seem to hate you or something

Izuku- oh kachan he doesn't hate him. He my best friend

Tommy- He doesn't look like a friend to me. Look midoriya I know how this feels in a way. I also know what I saw so please stop lying. Why were they hitting you? And why did this kachan person called you Deku?

Izuku- Well I'm quirkless tommy. Practically useless.

Tommy Mind- Quirkless huh?

Tommy- Let me tell you something midoriya where I came from almost everyone had the same exact power as me. There were those like myself that were hybrids but we were look down  the most. People didn't care about others and it was kinda like a war field in a way.

Izuku- That sound horrible but if you don't mind me asking what is your quirk?

Tommy- That the thing my umm quirk doesn't have a name. It was so common where I came from that everyone was born with it but if I have to give it a name I would say minecraft.

Izuku- Wow and your wings are apart of that quirk

Tommy- *sigh* we don't talk about my wings. It kinda a touchy subject

Izuku- I'm sorry then I didn't mean to-

Tommy- Its alright so do you want to watch a movie or something?

Izuku- Sure just let me text my mom and I am all good to go

Tommy- Great

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