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I was leaned up next to Moni's locker as usual, watching her search for a tampon as she moved around her makeup bag and period kit. "I heard about the cafeteria today," Moni commented, "You were there?" she asked, her tone telling me she full and well knew that I was there and just wanted to see what I had to say.

"Of course, Moni. That's my lunch," I sighed, already knowing the lecture that was coming.

"But just because that's your lunch didn't mean you needed to be involved in that. Damn, Cee," she said frustrated, "You're making the job your 'buttercup'," she flexed her fingers, "laid out for me more difficult."

I stepped away from Moni, knowing that if I didn't, she'd be in the wall. "Don't refer to her like that."

"That's what you called her, ain't it? Cecia...you're gonna get trapped. You're gonna get wrapped. You're gonna," Moni sighed heavily, "You know what happens! And you know how much she doesn't know. Why? Just why?" she asked me genuinely.

"She's my friend, nothing more-

"Okay, but you know how you can be, Cecia," Moni pleaded, "Why bring her into that. Shawty already got enough goin' on. I'm tryna protect both you and her at this point. Ora don't deserve a fucked up person, plain and simple."

"I'm grown, Moni, I don't need protectin'," I told her seriously.

"That might be true...but..."

"I'm goin' to class," I stated, turning away. "And Ora doesn't need any protection that you can give either."

"You tryna chill after school?" she called out, but I ignored her.

"Guess who's back?" somebody nudged my arm.

I turned around, putting that familiar voice with that familiar face. "Wassup, the Beard?" I laughed.

Marcel was 5'11, brown skin, his face was basically all goatee, and he had his hair in a nice fade. His clothes hung on him like he had just walked out of Footlocker, the latest Jordan's on his feet with some random ass cartoon socks- the best fit combo if you ask me.

"I thought you was comin' to school next week?" I smiled.

"Me too, but my mama made me get outta bed," he covered his cough up in his elbow. "Ima try and stay home tomorrow though. How you been? And where's Moni?"

"Moni over there," I pointed backwards, "And did you hear about El?"

"Yeah. Moni don't fuck with her no more-

"Neither do I," I laughed bitterly.

"Moni keep goin' on and on 'bout some girl that's replacin' Ka-

"Ora's not replacin' shit," I told him aggressively, "And I want everybody outta my business. She can't replace my-my buttercup."

"We just don't want you to go psycho again, sis," he gently punched me, "Let me find my next class. And cool down a bit," he laughed, walking away, "I got some shawty's to sight see." That was Marcel, never serious. Reminded me of a certain girl.

My body was walking, but I felt like all the life inside of me had drained out. That car...on the news and her head and...I blinked, focusing back on walking. I needed to get to class. I needed to be doing something normal. Something that could distract me. Something that wasn't thinking about the past.

Or her.

After school, I walked by Ora's classroom, telling myself I'd take Moni's advice and just leave her alone. But then I walked back and waited outside of it, peering into the room as I watched her get her things together with a sour expression.

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