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"How was yesterday?" I asked, sitting down next to Ora as I got onto the bus.

"Oh, so you're in a better mood today?" she asked me lightly. "It was...great." Her tone was neutral but I could tell she was in some sort of mood.

I got myself comfortable, putting my bag between my legs and letting the rest of the people head down the aisle. "What did you guys end up doin'? I know Xochitl and Zeymira always up to something wild."

"We just ended up chillin' at Xo's and I let them try and do a manicure on me and shit," she held out her hands for me to inspect, "This is the hand Zeymira did. The right one was Xochitl's. I feel like Xo did better on the design but Zey's set was more neat."

I smiled a little. I'm glad she was socializing; glad that it seemed like she was starting to warm back up to Lazuli Heights, even if her experience on the first day hadn't been that easy.

"I paint my nails from time to time," I added after awhile, seeing the conversation dying down, "I like to get girly a lil. The most I'll do is a crop top, nails, maybe some makeup. Still not a skirt and shit type of person."

"I remember old you would never even think of that," she cracked a smile, "I swear you're like a whole 'nother person."

My smile faded a little, but I turned my head away to hide it.

"I hope I don't have to walk into a shit show. I need Linda to be cordial with me- Elodie too," she told me.

"I talked to El last night. Convinced her to go easy, but when she's around Linda, who knows what way she'll swing with her personality and allat, you know?"

"Yeah," she sighed.

"Today's gonna be different. Just believe that," I told her, trying to be encouraging.

"Yeah, hopefully so."

We made it to school, and me and Ora were one of the first ten off the bus. I got out, looking across the courtyard for any familiar faces. Not seeing any, I figured that everybody I knew was already inside of the building.

"Hey, Cecia?"

I turned in a full circle, suddenly seeing Zeymira.

"Oh, hey Zeymira," I waved.

She was wearing a black blouse that hugged the edges of her shoulders and showed off her chest, and some dark brown pants that tied at the waist with an extravagant bow. In her hand, was a bright green drink with little dark colored balls at the bottom of the concoction. I watched as she slowly swished the liquid around before responding to me, "Hey, Cecia."

"Did you need something?" I asked carefully.

I swear last year Xochitl and Zeymira hardly even talked to me besides a casual wave or joke. It really had been just Marcel, Elodie, and Cy'Moni all of high school. They really were the only ones I would talk to. Now, Elodie was starting to flake on us, and I didn't feel so confident in our little trio lasting that long anymore.

"I'm lookin' for Ora."

Ora peeked around me, waving at Zeymira.

"C'mon. Xochitl's already inside," Zeymira told her, then they walked together towards the building, leaving me to head in alone. I text Moni as I headed in, multi tasking so I didn't run into anybody or stomp the hell out the back of they ankle.

Me: Momo👋🏼

Moni🤮: i will castrate u if u call me dat shii again

Me: so u even kno what that means??

Moni🤮: it don't matter. ik it's sumin bad tho, can't spell ass 🤣🤣🤣

Me: wym?

Moni🤮: do***

Me: syau, wya 🚬?

Moni🤮: are you...tryna...call me da f word ✊🏽🙄

Me: maybe so. WYAAAA??

Moni🤮: on your mother's tongue 👌🏽😃

Me: bet. while ur in da casket can u take the pearl necklace off of her and bring it to me...I wanna pawn it off for some cash maybe 😖 jk jk

Moni🤮: I- I'm in da main hallway 🚬-got

Me: ima dunk u like a ball when i c u 😂😂

Moni🤮: 😔😔😔

I found Moni, where she usually be and slid right up next to her, leaning against the locker by her's. "Hey wifey," I smiled as I said it loudly, knowing that would piss her off.

"Don't call me that," she snapped.

I frowned, "What's up?"

"Elodie just came by. Poppin' ha shit like some dollar bubblegum," she stated. She stopped fooling with her locker and turned to me, arms crossed. "She feel like everybody against her now. Only Linda really ride for her. I love Elodie's crazy ass now, but her mood swings startin' to get like Texas weather."

"You know El get ova shit," I waved my hand.

"No. But she come up to me sayin' you sidin' with Ora like Ora's your new bitch or sumin," Cy'Moni told me, "And I corrected her, because I know that's not the case, but she feel some type of way about you bein' cool with somebody she feel disrespected by."

"I don't see why she feel disrespected," I laughed, "I guess she jealous I'm favorin' Ora more than her."

"We all been friends since like ninth grade. This ain't what we do. She said all these problems at school started when ole girl arrived," Moni shrugged, "And while I think Elodie is being dramatic and bein' an attention whore at the most...she right. Don't get too wrapped up in this new girl."

"Ora's not new, and there's nothin' wrong with me tryna be nice to her and enjoyin' her company. We knew each other once-

"And I know how quickly you attach to people," Moni cut in, "and how bein' so friendly with her is treatin' this school and your personal life with your friends."

I sighed, knowing that there wasn't anything more I could say to Moni. "Okay...alright. So what's your vibe about Elodie now?"

"Unless she comes at me with an apology for talkin' crazy. She's dead to me. I haven't done shit to her, and the drama she has with you needs to be squished before it spills into other people's lives. Period. So whatever you gotta do to get rid...of this problem. I suggest you do it, friend," Moni shrugged, pushing her black sunglasses down over her eyes, "I'm goin' to da bathroom. I need to smoke...shit."

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