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"So, Monday's here," I said awkwardly as we sat at the lunch table.

"Monday's here," Zeymira coughed, holding back a laugh. Yeah, it definitely was hard walking down the halls making eye contact with people wearing a third of the clothes that they barely wear already; some that had been lickin' all over each others, others doing things I didn't even want to have in my memory bank.

And now we were back to the facade.

Now everyone was back to pretending they were better than everyone else. That they were just like one another.

"Sooo," Majesti said, sitting down. "I've been MIA."

"I know, you haven't been here since the-

Zeymira coughed again, "Since the altercation."

"Yeah, did you get suspended or sumin? I'm sorry if you did, man," I said quickly.

"Nahh, mental health break."

"Do they put that on your attendance? I need a break too, bro," Xochitl groaned, sitting down.

"Nahh, it's a regular absence, but I like to pretend that they don't," Majesti smirked.

"Any action out of Big Mouth 'cross the cafeteria?" Xo asked me. "Hey, where's Ora?"

"No action, and...I thought she was with you," I frowned.

"How was Sunday with her?" Zeymira grinned, eating a snack.

"Ouuu, a date?" Majesti asked, interested.

How could Majesti be excited about something like that? She had been friends with Kailin when we were a thing. I thought that broke like the girl code or something.

"Not a date, I just helped her and her dad out with something down at his office. Then afterwards he got us some food and sat across Wendy's from us, then he dropped me off at home. It was very PG," I assured them.

"Already meetin' the dad," Zeymira grinned.

"Okay, okay," I said, "It wasn't like that."

"And Ora met one of Cecia's moms too," Xochitl added in.

"Ouuu," Majesti laughed. "Cee and Ora sittin' in the tree-

"Damn," Zeymira turned her head, "There she go."

I didn't see her on the bus this morning, so I had just figured she had been late and her dad had dropped her off or something. But now, Ora walked into the cafeteria, head high with a fresh undercut and a lip piercing at the center of her lips. Shit, in my opinion, that made her lips even more sexy.

Her fit was clean as fuck, a City Morgue hoodie on in black and white, some skeleton sweats, and her usual slides. It might not have been the best outfit of all outfits, but shit she looked sexy rockin' anything, especially if she was confident.

I tried to hide my blush, already knowing everybody was finna clown me for it. I looked away, pulling the side of my hoodie over the part of my face that'd be in her view. I was at the end of the table and the only open seat was to the left of me. Regardless if it hadn't my been the only open seat, I knew everybody would have shifted so she could sit next to me still.

Moral of the story: There was no escaping this.

"Hey," she sat down, greeting everybody.

"Good mornin', uh, afternoon," I corrected myself.

"Why you hidin'?" she asked me curiously, pulling my hoodie away. "Look at me."

Damn, shit, I will.

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