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I laid in my bed, kicking my legs as I watched this juicy K drama on my phone. Every time the main characters kissed, I kept picturing Cecia's face and I had to push it away. I couldn't like somebody fuckin' around with they life like that. No way. And she most definitely couldn't come 'round my pops on that type of shit either.

Turned out, dude was still asleep when I had came in.

Didn't even wake up until I took my shower and decided to nudge him awake into cooking me something to eat. Now he was getting ready for the day, asking me if I wanted to go down to his office to help him set up for next week. And the joyful look in his eyes made me say yes- damn it made me say yes.

I swear nobody sees a dental office as much as a dentist's kid, bro.

"You ready?" he knocked on my door.

"Yeah, hollon." I grabbed my charger, my earbuds, and my phone, slid on my slides, and put on a random jacket.

"They should start puttin' elevators in apartments, shit," he shivered. Most men were always hot and sweating for no reason, but my dad was the complete opposite. I told him he should get that checked out.

Oh, and hear this: He doesn't like going to the doctor. I swear that's a gene that comes with having a Y chromosome. Maybe don't complain if you don't want to fix it.

"I wanted to check out the foundation in the back too. I think I needa call some people to fix it but I want to make sure today."

"It rained real late last night. You think some water might've got in?" I asked him, concerned. He had been eyeing the foundation for awhile ever since it gave a bit during a flash flood a few years back. Since then, we hadn't had any major flooding, but it seemed to be getting worse every time he went and checked on it.

"How you know that?" he eyed me.

"The news...I watch it...like normal people do," I looked at him like he was crazy, even though inside I was nervous as hell. We had came across some rain on our way back from the party.

"Right, right. I like to read the news instead," he nodded, like he was proud of himself or something.

"Old man," I joked, getting a crack of a smile out of him.

Because of that, he made me drive to his office, like he somehow knew I had reached my driving limit of the year when I found somewhere for Xochitl's car to go at the party last night.

I was all grumpy by the time we made it to the office but he promised me Wendy's afterwards, so that helped my mood a little.

When we pulled up, I pointed out a newer, black Kia parked right out front. "You know them?"

"They prolly usin' the empty lot to trade kids or sumin," my dad shrugged.

My eyes widened, "Like child traffickin'? Dad!"

"No, girl. Hush. Like, the baby mama takin' ha raggedy kids from her baby daddy or some shit, girl, c'mon now. Joint custody."

Sometimes...I believe my father doubts my brain cells. "You get yo smarts from yo mama, not me," he stated confidently. See!

"Dad, you tried to barbecue in the apartment-

"That was because it was my first time barbecuin'!" he defended himself, "My dad ain't show me when I was growin' up!"

"We coulda cost the lives of the whole building-

"It wasn't that much smoke!"

"I couldn't even see my own feet. And everybody knows you don't do that inside-

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