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By the time Monday came, I didn't even want to take myself out of bed. Moni was a whole gossip queen.

She was gonna have my ass. I know it.

"Good mornin', Cee," Ora greeted me on the bus, hair in her face, a casual fit on today.

"Hey," I slowly slid down next to her, glancing around.

"You fidget-y as hell," she commented, always observant of me.

"I'm not tryin' to be. Just worried about today," I admitted. "Well. We got a whole lot of months left outta this shit hole. So no point in gettin' anxious over nunin," she shrugged, "Learned that a few weeks ago."

"Shit...we started school a little more than a month ago," I commented bitterly.

Before I knew it, we were at said place.

"You think Moni will make something up about you?" Ora repeated me doubtfully. "I wouldn't put it past her. Maybe even you too," I added in. "Or what if she tells the truth?" I frowned. "Then everybody will know what type of person you were," Ora told me seriously as she hooked her arm through mine, "But nobody else will know the type of person you are, like I do."

Ora's expression was guarded besides me as we walked together into the building. Eyes straight forward, didn't even look to see if they're staring. We got into building, and I focused on walking her to class. "I don't want you goin' anywhere alone...not in a without me type of way. In a, without anyone, type of way. What if somebody jumps you or some shit? I feel like collectively, Xochitl, Marcel, Moni, and Majesti would be on that type of time."

"I'm not worried 'bout that. So don't you," she told me, stopping and pecking me on the cheek. We kept walking until we made it to her first period, PreCal.

"Cecia," Moni walked right up to me out of nowhere, standing in my way. Ora crossed her arms, right by my side instead of going in the classroom like I would have wanted.

"Moni," I said casually, watching her lips twitch away a sneer.

"My apology? Where is it?" she held out her hand.

"I'm sorry...what?" Ora laughed right in her face.

Moni ignored Ora like she wasn't there.

"Accusin' your own best friend...of murder. That isn't a G thing to do, Cecia," Moni told me seriously.

"I'm sorry, but please shut up, respectfully," Ora laughed again, holding on to my arm, "We finna go to class, sweetheart. See you another time." She tried to pull me away but I stood firmly in front of Moni.

"I just want to find out who targeted our friend group as a whole. And who hurt Elodie. Is that so wrong, Moni? Why do you have to have hard feelings about me askin' you a few questions?" I demanded.

"Because that whole encounter was more than a few questions and you know it," she whispered furiously.

"What?" Ora said, giving me a look. "Y'all ain't fuck in that room, did y'all?"

"Somebody's in trouble," Moni scoffed, noticing the look Ora gave me. "Your girlfriend here," Moni addressed Ora about me, "is a little psycho. Just so you know. And this will be the final warning I give you about that, Ora. I don't mind comin' to a funeral of your's."

Moni blew us a kiss as she walked away in her short skirt, thighs and ass jiggling. I glared at the back of her head, "Pissin' me off," I grunted.

"I guess I should expect the cold shoulder from the rest of my friends then, too. Where are we gonna sit at lunch?" Ora asked me, sighing.

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