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We stood in line behind Zeymira's dad at the snow cone place which was part daiquiri shop. You could guess what he was getting out of the line before he'd dip off and leave us here to chill and talk under the covering over the wooden benches. Ora and Zeymira were talking about the party in hushed tones because Zeymira still didn't know if she could go yet and was gonna go regardless of her father's verdict.

My arms were folded and my eyes were unfocused on the view in front of me. I felt like a tree...somewhere in open space being observed by a photographer not for my beauty, but for how how much I had conquered. How I was still standing.

How I was alone.

Okay...I don't even know what I'm talking about.

End scene.

"Cee, you good?" Ora asked, stopping their conversation as she gently touched my hand.

I focused in on the moment as I turned to her, "I'm straight."

"You sure? 'Cause you kind of looked sad," Zeymira commented.

"I'm fine," I shrugged, moving up a step as the line went.

"We were talking about Saturday," Ora tried to include me in, "What Zey's gonna wear. Who's gonna ride with who..."

"I figured Xochitl would be drivin' y'all," I commented, trying to be more social today for Ora's sake.

"You're not comin'?" she frowned, "With us?"

"I was prolly gonna ride with my other friends," I shrugged. "But I'm goin'. And we could meet up together once everybody's there," I added.

"You goin' with Elodie too?" Zeymira asked, a guarded look in her eyes. "I'm sure if Elodie comes along then that means Linda will be there," she shared a look with Ora.

"No. Elodie isn't on good terms with any of us," I stated, "We plan on ridin' in Moni's BMW or Marcel's Tesla," I added. Ora rose an eyebrow, "Oh, yo friends got money."

"Their parents do," I corrected, "I could come...along with you guys though, if you wanted, Ora," I offered.

"No, it's fine," Ora looked away. "Go ahead with the others."

"Oh my gosh!" Zeymira sighed over-exaggeratedly at us.

Her dad turned around, pulling out his Beats buds, then checking to see if we were still alive, before he popped them back in and some old rap song continued to play into his ears as he subtly bobbed his head, his waves glinting in the sunlight.

"I'm tired of y'all arguin' so much," Zeymira hissed, "It's obvious y'all like each other. Stop playin' mind games," she pleaded.

I blushed, "What-What do you mean?"

"I don't think...it's like that," Ora said shyly, rubbing her arm.

"I think it is. You guys obviously have feelings for one another. It's plain as day," Zeymira told us bluntly, "Maybe I'm seeing' it and you guys just aren't, but eventually y'all will."

The line moved up and it was Zeymira's dad's turn.

"Uhh, what do you want?" Mr. Daniels asked, turning around and popping out a bud again, "I already ordered."

"The tropical one," I pointed to the top. He turned to Ora next as the lady up in the food truck tapped her gloved hands impatiently, a sheen of sweat underneath her black, wispy bangs. She was speaking to some person in the back in another language while Zeymira' s dad got the rest of the orders.

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