When they get sick

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Kai: Whenever Kai gets sick, he always has a very high temperature. Kai would mostly sleep and skip training. He would get over 104 degrees. He would be burning hot  😏

Jay: Whenever Jay gets sick, he would make a big deal about it. He would start saying how he would die.....even though it isnt as serious. To recover, he would drink medicines and sleep and nya would take care of him <3

Cole: Nobody would know if Cole is sick or not. Even when he knows that hes sick, he would hide it and act that everything is fine...even though it isnt. The others would know if he passes out or says no to cake. They would also know, if he ever cries in pain..... =(

Nya: Like Cole Nya would hide her sickness and the others will know if she passes out or gets tired a lot. Jay would take care of her, and sometimes even Kai would. 

Lloyd: Lloyd is the normal one I guess whenever he gets sick. He would mostly be grumpy and sleep the whole time or play video games. 

Zane: Zane cant get sick, but he helps the team to recover whenever they get sick < 3

What do you do when you get sick?

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