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hii yall uh I know i kinda said I may make a oneshot during thanksgiving break or winterbreak. Well sorry for lying, I thought I would but I didn't


I lost motivation and i want to quit. It's been nearly 4 to 5 months since I updated and uh yeah. 

But at the same time, I dont. Im just bored thats why im writting this

i just want to thank you guys so much for 400 votes and not only that were almost to 10k views? 

That's actually wild

Thank you yall for the love <33

I just have stress in school, to the point my body is becoming unhealthy. And i have became rlly rlly lazyy ahshkjdshksajdhdkjhdkjasdh

Hopefully my brain is braining and I can create oneshots or hc's

anyways goodbye!! This is not the end. I will write a oneshot even tho it may come in another 30 years. 


NINJAGO HEADCANONS/ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now