I'm gay - ONESHOT

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This was requested by PanFluidMe, so thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it :)

Quick Summary: Cole's been hiding the truth to his friends that he's gay, how would they react when he comes out? 

TW: Self Harm



Cole is gay, he told his dad about it right after his mom died which was a very bad idea, since his dad was homophobic. Thats the reason they have a rocky relationship and never even talk with each other. 

Due to this, Cole has a hard time coming out to his friends. He's been afraid that they won't accept him, especially Master Wu. He can't even sleep well


I don't what to do....

should I come out? But what if they kick me out? or replace with me a new ninja?

*goes into the bathroom, and pulls out a knife from the drawer*

I put my sleeve up and see all the nasty old scars 

I start cutting

Blood everywhere on the sink. It stings a bit but I really enjoy the pain. 

I wash all the blood after doing some cuts

I quickly put my sleeve down and put my knife back in its drawer when I hear footsteps coming into my room. 

I sat on the bed quickly, pretending to watch something from my laptop even though it wasn't on. 

"Hey Cole,  dinner is ready you should come eat," Zane said

"alright " I said and came to the dining room



The ninjas eat dinner, play video games and all went to bed except for Cole. 

He couldn't think, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't focus to well on the game. 

Cole brings out his knife and sits on the floor while his head is resting in the wall.

Tears fall in his face, he can't remember a time where he had actually got a good sleep. 

He brings the knife closer to his left wrist and cuts it

Blood everywhere.....



I woke up to get some water, till I heard loud sobs coming from his room. I opened the door slowly...

I'm surprised it wasn't locked and I was horrified what I just saw

Blood everywhere, Cole hugging his knees and crying.

Cole never cried though

I rushed to his side and tried to make him calm down

"Hey it's okay calm down, what happened" I say

He looked at to me, and gasped when he saw me


Cole quickly wiped his tears away

"what the heck happened man?" I asked in concerned

"its nothing bro, don't worry" he says wiping his tears and getting up

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