Worst Nightmares

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Hii guys, well my caassp testing will be in 2 days and before I start doing it I decided I will upload a chapter which is called Worst Nightmares as you can see by the title......Anyways thank you so much -arxina for giving me the idea for this chapter!! 


Kai: The worst nightmare he recently had was probably 2 weeks ago when his sister was getting hurt real badly and that he couldn't protect her. Poor Kai he was crying so hard he was scared, kai doesn't tell anyone abt this but Nya notices and helps him get through it :)

Cole: Cole's worst nightmare he ever had was a few days ago when his dad kept calling him a "failure" when his mom recently died. Cole woke up frantic and had tears in his eyes. He does not tell anyone about his nightmares and always makes everyone think he's fine...even though he isn't and it haunts him still....... (SORRY I JUST LOVE SEEING MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS SUFFER)

Jay: After the fight with Nadakahan Jay has been traumatized badly that becomes a constant nightmare for him. Even though he beat him, he's still afraid that he may come next time and was really scared about the torture he had. Nya, and the others help him get over it and gives Jay a lot of positive talks when he cries about it to the others. 

Zane: Zane's worst nightmare was when his fellow brothers bullied him for being an odd one and when he feels like just a robot with no emotions. Zane's anxiety became worse after that and when Pixel found about this she told the ninja team and they helped and told him that they would never say such things like that and that he had feelings just like human. 

Lloyd: Lloyd always had bad dreams but this one he gets most of the time and he cries. He has nightmares about him falling in love....however, the girl would be like Harumi and betray him at the end. His other nightmares would be him becoming like his father by turning into an ONI. Lloyd tries to keep it to himself but whenever he thinks about he starts crying and talks to WU or Kai about this. Sometimes even the whole ninja team

Nya: Nya has nightmares as well, its about how she doesn't protect her friends and sometimes would cry if it gets worse or if shes responsible for someones death almost like Cole's. However, she does not cry in front of her teammates and tells her nightmares to Jay, Kai and sometimes even Cole since there close if it ever goes too far. 

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