Left out - ONESHOT

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This was requested by aw_fyck_nah so thank you for the request. 

Quick Summary: On a mission Cole gets injured and breaks his leg. Due to this, he feels useless to the team and left out.

I hope you enjoy ^^


Cole and Kai were on mission, they been trying to locate the thugs who robbed the bank. 

"Let's split up Cole, i'll go right and you go left, if you locate them let me know and i'll come help" Kai says

"okay" Cole said and starts running

Cole finds them near the dumpsters and calls Kai from his communicator. 

"I found the thugs, there's about 7 of them and they have weapons like knives, bats, and hammers. " Cole informs

"Damn okay, Wait for me. You may get hurt" Kai says

Before Cole could respond, a thug creeped behind him and smacked him  on the head. 

Cole groans in pain as blood starts to pour out from his head out

"Cole are you okay?" Kai said as he panicked 

"Hurry up, they found me" Cole groans in pain

He starts fighting the thug who did that, which brings a lot of attention to the other thugs who were smoking. 

They all join the fight and all 7 of them were pretty strong. 

Cole's vision was starting to get blurry, he was able to knock out 5 of them and still fighting the other 2 thugs who had a hammer. 

As Cole punches the other thug to the wall. 

The second thugs uses his hammer to smack his leg and Cole screams loud in pain 

He passes out to the floor and as the thug was about to use his hammer to smack his head and entire body to make him dead. Kai comes by and saves him by kicking his side. 

"COLE" Kai shouted 

"Can you hear me? Cole Cole" Kai tries shaking him but it doesn't work

He calls others

"Hang in there Cole" He whispers

*the ninjas pick up the call*

"Hey Kai, was the mission successful?" Zane asked

"um kinda, Cole finished all of them but he's injured real bad. Can you guys bring the bounty" Kai panicked 

"I'll send Jay and Lloyd, make sure you stop the bleeding" Zane says

"Okay hurry though pls" Kai begs


Jay and Lloyd bring the bounty, and were shocked to see Cole

"COLE" Jay shouted running to Kai and Cole

"Is he okay?" Lloyd says running with Jay to take a closer look

"No he's losing blood, and I cant find a way to stop it" Kai says in a rush way.

Kai carries Cole to the bounty and when they reached Kai gives Cole's unconscious body to Zane who brings him to medbay. 

"Gosh this is my fault, we should have went the same way" Kai says angrily

"Kai this isn't your fault, trust me Cole will be alright" Nya said

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