Oneshot - Cole

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Hey guys, so basically I did this oneshot for Cole and I did this LONG AGO before this head cannon even existed lol. Anyways since Cole was my favorite ninja I wanted to make a story about him. However it wasnt very good and it was very short so I knew it wouldn't get attention. This oneshot is COLE X OC, I think I made a another one also about Cole x Kai or something I need to find that though lol. 

WARNING: A bit of cursing (sorry i cant help it)



(No ones POV)

It was 6AM in the morning and the ninjas had to wake up. Or else their master would kick their ass just like last time..when they reached to the courtyard they greeted their master. 

(Lloyd POV) 

As we greeted him, Master WU mentioned there would be a new ninja joining. All the ninjas were excited to see him. But it was a her which made us groan, expect for NYa she was very happy. "You guys will be giving her a tour."  Master wu said. "What's her name?" Kai asked. "Her name is Ada" - Master wu said. The others and I go back to train and talk about how the girl ninja looks like however cole felt like it was someone he knew I didnt really know.  An hour later, I hear the bell (which kinda means the doorbell but they live in a monastery so yeah). 

(Cole POV)

 I opened the door and was shocked to see who it was. Tears formed in my eyes, I hugged her and she hugged me back and she also had tears. Everyone was so confused, I let go and explained how I knew her.  

( No one's pov)

Flashback: Cole was 2 years old and Ada was 1 year old. Their mothers were really close friends. Their mother would go on mission together. Ada's mom was the master of light. (I have no idea what element that is, but it can shoot orbs that were light lol I need some work on it). Cole's mother died when Cole turned 6 (ON HIS FREAKING BDAY, JUST IN MY STORY). That's why he hates his bday. To make things worse, coles dad wanted to move to NINJAGO CITY,  so they had to move there. Cole made Ada a drawing of them together.. They were like best friends. And they would still call each other through their parents phone. Soon when Ada turns 13 her mother dies which made Ada loose contact of cole, cuz she was depressed. 

Back to the present time: The ninjas were glad they reunited and Ada and cole were very happy. The ninjas showed Ada's room and teached her the timings when she had to wake up and stuff like that It was finally dinner, time and this time zane cooked. Ada sat next to cole. Cole had a huge crush on Ada when he was a kid and he still does. (why am I jealous when im creating this-)

(Cole pov)

 "I never thought i would see you Ada" I said. "Me too, im so happy you grown a lot" Ada mention. 

(No one pov) 

Ada had a huge crush on cole also, but was scared to confess it. She thought cole would reject him and that could also be really bad for their friendship. It was night time and all the ninjas slept. They all woke up it was 6:00 AM. Since Ada was new she didn't know she had to wake up so Cole opened the door in her room and woke her up. They all got ready, master wu told them the bank was getting robbed. All the ninjas were excited cuz they didn't want to train. They all got into the land-bounty. and went to the bank. They all fought the bad guys but they were very tough. 


It was kinda tie, they were pretty tough, they must have been training. I saw one of them had some injection. I saw that guy about to Inject Cole I screamed "Cole" and pushed him away and I got injected, I felt pain I never felt, I collapsed on the floor. 

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