Oneshot- Cole x Kai

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HEY ok so I finally found my oneshot for LAVA, sooo hope you love/like it. Dont mind the grammar and stuff I will be fixing it. This one has a lot of POVS lmao sorry. 

Hope you enjoy <33



So there was Cole and the other 5 ninjas (Jay,Nya,Kai,Lloyd, and Zane) one day they were in a mission. According to zane's falcon there was a dangerous creature that lived in the dark forest, it was only seen in the night so the ninjas had to go to the forest in night. Once they reached they been looking over it for hours and couldn't trace it or find it. Lloyd decided to split into partners. Kai went with Cole, Jay went with Nya and Lloyd went with Zane. 

(Kai POV)

 I was walking with Cole. He looked so cute. He was very attractive and really kind also. I blushed while we were walking together. It was very quiet, till we heard was something getting close and close to us. Me and Cole couldn't make it out, but we knew it was that wild creature. We got out out our weapons out...when it came closer and try to attack us. I dodged the creatures claws. Cole tried to hit it with his scythe.  He missed and dodged the creature. I was hitting him with fire balls but it was running around and I couldn't aim it. I didn't want to burn out this forest and cole looked pretty tired after trying to hit him. Cole and Me decided to hide and call the others so we ran

 (Cole POV)

 Since it was a long battle we decided to calll the others, but we couldn't get their signal. The creature found us. I used my earth punch and it made the creature hit the tree really hard. Finally I  hit him and chased after him however he was circling back and kai was there oh no...

(Kai POV) 

he looks so freaking hottt. Ahhh no not the time to think. I suddenly heard my name "KAI" screamed Cole who was running.  Before I got hit by the creature Cole pushed me and got hit by it.

 (Cole POV) 

I was bleeding everywhere I was in so much pain. My vision started to blur and slowly my eyes were closing. I felt like I was gonna die...

(Kai POV)

 "Coleee noooo" I screamed, I was very mad and I kept shooting fireballs non-stop. Tears were in my face and I kept screaming. 

(Lloyd POV)

 we heard a lot of sound, and went to check. then we saw Cole lying their unconscious and Kai throwing fireballs at it non-stop. Zane helped Kai, and I went to check on Cole. He was over bleeding and he was getting cold. I could feel tears in my eyes right now.

 (Zane POV) 

I wanted to finish this fight soon, so I can check how Cole was feeling. I helped Kai and together we were able to freeze it. Of course fire and Ice does not equal to ice at all. But Kai made the creature stay in one stop. And I was able to freeze it. Kai and me ran to Lloyd and a unconscious Cole. 

(Nya POV)

 We came running till we all saw the others. Jay and I ran up to them. I was shocked to see Cole like this. 

 (Jay POV)

"Oh my god what happened to Cole" I cried. I saw my girlfriend shocked not knowing what to say. "He protected me...I wasn't paying attention and-" Kai stopped at his sentence. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Nya was trying to comfort me. Zane gave us a worried look which none is us liked. "Cole is getting really cold and his breathing is getting lighter we need to get to the bounty NOW" Zane shouted 

(no one POV)

Kai carried Cole like the bridal style way. Nya and Lloyd tied the monster before it was able to escape. They took the monster up, and put him in a very large cage. And Lloyd and nya joined with the others. Once they reached the bounty, they kept Cole in the medical room. And Zane treated Cole. Zane kept a oxygen mask on Cole's mouth. He started treating Cole's head. The other waited and couldn't stop worrying, Kai kept blaming himself and couldn't think of Cole . Once they reached the monastery. Zane came out.  The others were relived and that Cole was alright, he just couldn't fight for few weeks. They were all relived but also sad at the same time because they knew how Cole loved fighting. This time since Cole was sleeping slowly. Lloyd removed his oxygen mask (because his breathing was alright). Lloyd carried Cole, which made Kai  jealous cause he wanted to do that. Pixel (zane's girlfriend) was very shocked to see Cole wounded very badly on his bed.

Cole was wounded very badly on his head, then later wu came to see. He ran up to them and asked what happened. Zane explained while Kai, Jay, Lloyd and Nya went to put Cole to bed. Kai couldn't stop staring at Cole Nya started to think if Kai had a crush on Cole. Welp a week later, cole gets recovered and they end up confessing and blah blah they get married lmao


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