When they get cheated on

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Lets all pretend they got cheated with their girlfriends/boyfriends for this headcanon. Thanks for understanding :)

Warning: Self Harms will be mentioned


Kai: Kai would first be really angry..then few days later he would be sad and then try to find another girl/boy and flirt a lot. 

Cole: Cole would be very sad, he would stay in his room. Not coming out....and skipping meals doing a lot of self harms.

Nya: She would be angry just like Kai and get over them in a few days. 

Jay: Jay would be very sad, stay in his room for a couple of days...and do a lot of negative talks to himself which would sometimes lead to self harm..

Lloyd: He would cry just like Jay and Cole and be locked in his room for a few days. However, instead of doing self harm like he used too..he talks to his mom about all this or his teamates. 

Zane: Zane would just switch off his emotions and get over it. 

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