Tinder Prank #2 - Oneshot

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This is part 2 of lloyd getting pranked :(

WARNING: Bad grammer and curse words

You have been warned................

Also a little changes for part 1 for those who read it already: Usually Kai and Jay would go for small pranks on Lloyd. Cole would sometimes go far on the ninjas but would feel guilty and do anything to apolgize. So this oneshot is basically how Lloyd would punish the ninjas. He would give Jay and Kai a easier one while giving cole a very hard one. I know it's bit confusing. And i know that Jay and Cole both kinda came out with the idea. But lets just say Cole was the one who suggested the idea and gets a bigger punishment that Lloyd would regret.

Im sorry if it was a bit confusing I just love seeing my dude suffer ^^



"LLOYD WAIT" Zane shouted

Cole, Kai, and Jay were shock, they thought he would laugh or just get mad and get better. They never thought he would cry. 

"ugh we shouldn't have done that" cole said feeling bad

"lets apologize when we get home.." Jay says

Kai, Cole, and Jay go home while Zane tries to find Lloyd


I was finally able to track Lloyd and ran fast as I can

When I found him he was sitting in the bench having red eyes.

He looked up to me and said, "What do you want" and gave me a death stare

"Look Lloyd I don't mean any of this I swear, I'm sorry I agreed though" I said trying my best to apologize

"its fine...I know it wasn't you who created the idea" Lloyd sadly looked down

"I guess i'm so desperate for one girl" Lloyd told

"Yes you are"

"wow zane  thanks" Lloyd rolled his eyes

"You will find one though..I know you will" I said

Lloyd hugs me and I hug back


Jay explains what happened to Nya

and they all wait for Zane and Lloyd to come back

20 minutes later they hear the door open and all the ninjas including Nya rush to the door

Lloyd gave all of them a death stare and said, "Who's idea was this" 

"Cole" Kai exclaimed

"Cole" Jay joined along with Kai

"Throwing me under a bus huh" Cole glared at them

"How are we throwing you u-" Zane gets interrupted

"Zane that was sarcasm" Nya says

"It was Jay's idea to play a prank on you though, and jay and kai agreed to it" Cole said to Lloyd

Lloyd pushed all of them and went into his room

Kai and Jay started feeling guilty

Cole was starting to even feel more guilty for suggesting them the idea. 

After they all had dinner..except for Lloyd

Cole decides to knock on his door and give a tray of food

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