Jealousy - ONESHOT

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I got this idea from a fanart, but I can't find it. I been looking for it for a while. Sorry :(

Main Characters: Jay, Nya, and Cole

Short Summary: Cole and Nya became much closer than they were before, and it makes Jay jealous. Then it becomes a huge issue!

Enjoy Ninja readers! 

Kai: That is a cringe name

Me: ...


Jay Pov

Me, Kai, Pixel, Zane and Lloyd went to the mall to buy something for Nya since her birthday was coming up. I wanted to get something that she would love. 

"Hey how come Cole isn't coming with us again?" Lloyd asked

"according to him, he already bought a gift for Nya," Zane told

"so what should we get for Nya? Pix any ideas?" I said trying to change the topic

I been getting annoyed of Cole lately, I mean I really love him as a best friend. But he's been hanging out with Nya and no i'm not jealous. 

Okay maybe I am a little bit....

"We should should get her some cloths, and jewelry maybe?" Pixel suggested 

"That's a good idea, let's split up. Pixel and Zane you guys get her jewelry and Me, Kai and Jay will get her some cloths" Lloyd said to everyone

"Okay where do we meet up?" Zane asked

"At the food court" Lloyd says


"hmm should we get her this gray t-shirt or a blue t-shirt?" Kai asks showing us the two tees he found. 

"Why not both?"  

After finding some good jeans and t-shirts for Nya we decided to meet Zane and Pixel at the food court. 

"The jewelry looks amazing" Kai says as Zane shows him what they bought

"I know right,  Nya is gonna love it" I gushed

After we got food, we went to the monastery and I got annoyed as I saw Nya and Cole talking

"Oh hey" Cole waved to us, they all waved back to him except for me. 

"Where did you guys go?" Nya asked

"we uhh went to starbucks" Lloyd lied

"and shopping cause it was been a while" Kai joined in

That was actually a smart move since we were holding a lot of bags

Zane face palmed but Nya didn't really pay attention 

"Oh..." I can sense that Nya felt left out, but she will find out tomorrow where we really went. 

I couldn't help but think, what were Nya and Cole talking about? Does Cole have feelings for her now? I mean all of sudden they started talking a lot. 

I decided to go to bed early because I was gonna wake up early to give Nya her personal gift. I got her some bracelets a few days ago and a blue flower dress. 

After finding a perfect gift bag, I slept hoping everything will go right tomorrow



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