How they calm down..

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The ninjas fight each other. You can pick who fights who. It's just a headcanon how they would calm down if they were in a fight with the ninjas. 


Kai - Whenever he gets very mad he would burn things to calm down. For some reason he enjoys it..a LOT. (NEVER BE NEAR KAI WHEN HE'S ANGRY, HE WILL BURN YOUR LOVELY HAIR) 

Cole - Whenever Cole gets angry, he goes to his room and pulls out his mother's necklace thinking about her. Always reminding the words that his mom used to say when Cole used to get mad. "Deep breaths Cole.."  It always helped Cole calm down easily. Another way is he would sketch to also calm down or eat cake. 

Jay -  He would just take a walk outside and come back when he completely calms down and play video games or paint something

Zane -  Zane doesn't get angry at all. He is the number 1 most patient and calm ninja. He gets angry only for GOOD reasons..

Nya - she takes deep breaths, sprays people who tries to calm her down and builds mechs without talking to anyone. 

Lloyd - Read comic books, watch tv, if none of those help he would talk to his mother or his master about his situation and sometimes his friends. (THAT HE DIDNT FIGHT WITH)

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