Nightmares - ONESHOT

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I got some plot ideas by ImaginationsPortal, so thank you for the idea :D

For the ending like all the way at the end of the story, I did get it from someone. But I can't find that person since I read many fanfics. Sorry if im being confusing but I couldnt find the fanfic after reading it. If you realize the ending was yours/somebody's let me know and I will give you/the other person credit. 

Ships: Moss (Lloyd x Cole) 

Quick Summary: Cole's been having nightmares about his mom, and Lloyd notices and tries to comfort him.

It's been awhile posting i'm sorry, I just haven't feel motivated, Anyways hope you enjoy


 the other ninjas were sleeping peacefully except Cole....he's been having bad nightmares about his mom for days. He couldn't sleep as usual. 

Next morning:

The ninjas were eating breakfast, and they all saw Cole coming out from his room

Cole looked very tired and the others were worried about him

"You okay man?" Kai asked Cole

"Yeah sorry Im just tired" Cole says

Lloyd felt like Cole was hiding something from them. He knew Cole wasn't an open person

"You know you could talk about it" Lloyd says calmly

"I'm fine, Lloyd thanks" Cole told and was walking out

"Aren't you gonna eat breakfast?" Jay asks

"I'm not very hungry" Cole sadly says

Lloyd knew something was bothering him


After the ninjas eat breakfast, they all see Cole in the living room and waved at him, he waves back and puts on a fake smile. 

As the ninjas were playing video games, Master Wu comes in

"Who's turn is it to patrol the City?" Master Wu says getting annoyed how much video games they been playing lately. 

"According to my database, it's Nya's turn" Zane said while Nya groans

"Who turn is it to be checking security camera footages in Ninjago?" Master Wu asks Zane. 

"Cole" Zane said

"Nya and Cole do what your suppose to do, for the others go train" Master Wu strictly says switching off the tv

All of them groan 


(Also in case you didn't get Cole's part, it's basically what Sensei Wu did when trying to find Zane in season 12)

Few hours later

Cole wanted to sleep, but he knew he would get in trouble if he doesn't pay attention to the cameras. 

There was no crime so far, but Cole is been trying to stay awake. 

It's 5PM right now and Cole was really tired. He started to give up.....and he fell asleep but only to be having a bad nightmare. 


Zane made Tea for all us since we been training like crazy, I decided to give the tea to Cole, cause it looked like today he had a bad day. 

I went down to the base, and I saw Cole sleeping in the chair

When I got closer I noticed he was whimpering and tears were falling down from his face. 

I put the tea in the table, and kneeled over to Cole to wake him up 

"Cole buddy wake up" I say trying to shake him

"its just a bad dream, please wake up" I beg even more shaking him more.

He slowly opens his eyes, and when he saw me he panicked. 

Cole quickly wiped his tears

"Cole are you okay? What happened" I asked worriedly

"its nothing Lloyd don't worry" Cole said


Cole flinches

"sorry-" I was stopped by Cole

"its fine, I just had a bad nightmare" Cole sadly says and look down playing around with the bracelet that his mom gave him before he died. 

I started to get an idea, about what it could be

"pls leave me alone, im fine" Cole says started to get annoyed

"Was it about your mom?" I said quietly

Tears start to fall from his face

"how did you know" he mumbled

I hugged Cole and he sobbed

"why didn't you tell us?" I say

"I just didn't feel like it" he says

"Im sorry you had to go through it alone" I say and break the hug



Lloyd comforts Cole for the whole time

Thankfully Cole became much better

Lloyd has an idea, for Cole to sleep peacefully

he decided to announce it while the ninjas were playing videogames

"Everyone we should do a sleepover" Lloyd beamed

everyone looked at him

"YESSSS" Jay exclaims

Cole wasn't sure at first, but when he looked at lloyd who smiled at him.  Cole was okay with it and smiled back

"i'm in" the others say

Jay and Lloyd make forts

Nya and Zane were making food and snacks

Kai and Cole decided to go on live on tiktok and goof around 💀


The sleepover was very crazy and eventually they decided to calm down and watch a movie. 

All the ninjas including Cole fell asleep in the movie except LLoyd who tried to stay awake so he can watch Cole

Jay and Nya first slept, then Kai and then Cole and lastly Zane who switched himself off

Cole slept on Lloyd's shoulder making Lloyd blush 

Cole was able to sleep peacefully and didn't have any nightmares. He was safe 

Lloyd kissed Cole on his forehead and smiled

Lloyd fell asleep on Cole's head and it was just such a cute moment



"oh my gosh Jay, Nya wake up" Kai whispers

"ugh what" Nya groans

"look at Lloyd and Cole" Kai says and smirks

"oh my gosh sooo cutee"they squealed

"shhhh" Kai said and starts taking pictures from his phone, including Jay and Nya who do the same thing. 


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