Chapter 3 - PORSCHE

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PORSCHE, a young man who was looking for a better well paid job to earn his living, after completing his University, he left The orphanage, promising himself to lead a happy life with his college girlfriend, named Geni, who is a sweet girl, who was always supportive to him since his College days, mutual understanding & love is the reason why he is with Geni, but now since they stepping forward towards the prime of their youth, Geni, parents wanted Porsche to get settled down & marry Geni, They believed Getting married & established career at right time is more important for better future prospects and happiness & at some extent Porsche completely agreed with them, although Geni used to say that they can do that together after their marriage but Porsche insisted on proving to her parents that he is capable enough to take care of Geni, although he got no family background or legacy to show off.

But as the time passed, He realised getting a job with no background or experience, is tougher than he expected, his dream to live a little happy life with a family of his own seems to be getting further & further away everyday.

Until one day he got a call from one of his friends from Taekwondo Training Institutes where he used to be a training and also a part time trainer for the newbies, He was good at fighting too, few times he even tried fighting in underground street fights to make money in order to afford his educational expenses, but nobody knew about that in the orphanage, he doesn't want to burden anyone for more, Growing up without the Shade of parents, or anyone to lean on taught him many harsh realities of life.

& Today, he gonna face another one, his friend told him that some people from higher business works, want Someone without any family or criminal background for the job of Bodyguard, They just got few requirements you need to agree to their terms and conditions for the job, it's a well paid job with a house to live in & other luxury to enjoy. At this point he was desperate & doesn't want to miss this opportunity.
He filled out the form given all the required information about himself, but last two conditions had him contemplating his decision cause it stated for the candidate that they can't get into any kind relationship during his employed period, & all the employees got to live within the premises of Therapanyakuns' Bodyguard Training Centre until their they are employed
That's mean he can't meet Geni , nor get married during all this time, So he told Geni about everything trying to make her understand that how he gonna leave this job after saving enough money to start something on his own & they will get marry too, but this time Geni was not ready to accept his idea & didn't want to stay away from him, but Porsche got no other way to make this happen, his dream of having his own family only possible if he would be able to earn his own living.
He just gave up on trying to convince Geni, he thought one day Geni will be back to him, understand his feelings & action just like always she does, he packed his luggage & Left for his new journey of life.
Hoping this Journey will bring happiness and new opportunities for him.

Hoping this Journey will bring happiness and new opportunities for him

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