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At Present Korea
( Park Mansion)

Porsche might cry looking at all the beautiful views around them, as the Lamborghini rode the path towards the Park Mansion, this house is such a big palace, calling it a Mansion is such a humble thing to do, & Arm thought the same, Mr.Loey is really a Prince. They are nervous to meet him in person, although his secretary Jeff is sweet and caring.

On the other side LOEY didn't understand why he is so nervous, like it will be his first time meeting Porsche, Of course they have met each other long before in Thailand during the college trip, Do Porsche remember or Don't? What if he does but pretending to not to ? What would LOEY going to talk to him, if Porsche ask LOEY why he chosen him for this deal, OMG this is crazy, just few hours ago LOEY was the most happiest person in the world & now he is getting all sweaty & nervous, what happened to the Charming Prince LOEY Park, he needs to control his emotions, get together himself, He is the boss here, He can't behave like a fool in love but his heart beats doesn't want to calm down, he is really a lost case, Jeff was right, Nobody can help him except the God miracle.

With the every steps he heard Porsche climbing upstairs towards his office room at home, LOEY closed his eyes and started praying to every deity he knew to not let him do anything stupid that would scare away Porsche in his excitement.

(Clicking door opens)

"Your Highness LOEY"

"Mr. Porsche is here to meet you"

" him in."
( Did his voice stutter ?)

"Good Morning, Your Highness LOEY" ( both Arm & Porsche greeting)

( His voice is so sweet & soothing, I want to start every morning listening to him,...wth LOEY get a grip over yourself)
"I hope you enjoyed your journey to our country without any inconvenience."
( with these words LOEY Turned his face towards the two young men standing in front of him)

He is beautiful and handsome as always, the first time the moment when LOEY saw Porsche in Thailand to the very second they are facing each other, every cell in his body trying to set themselves free of his control to run, & remove this little distance between Him & Porsche & hug him tightly, but he can't do that, Porsche, doesn't know about his feelings, his longing & waiting to see just a glimpse of him, Now they are just business partners, LOEY needs to become more than this, someone whom Porsche can feel more comfortable & trustworthy.

" Yes, Your Highness LOEY, everything was good, we had a heartwarming welcome here, thank you" ( with smiles)

( His smile is so beautiful, he really doesn't know how long i have waited to see him smiling)

" Mr. Jeff will show you the rest of the place & your room for the stay, I hope you will feel at home" ( LOEY couldn't take his eyes off of his Porsche, he wants to but he can't help himself, his eyes are the traitor who want to look only at the best view of his life)

"Thanks, Your Highness"

(With these little conversation and short meeting, they parted ways)

On way to the room,

(Arm) "Did you notice something? "

(Porsche) "What? Is there something happened that I don't know?"

(Arm) "He couldn't take eyes off you."

( Porsche) " What are you talking about? He was looking at both of us, I think we are still jetlagged Arm, we better take rest after we get our rooms "

Porsche felt like this too, but he doesn't want to give it too much thought. Maybe they are tired from the journey. For now He needs a cold shower and something yummy to eat.

( Thanks for reading my stories ❤️ Next Chapter update Soon 💛)

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