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Even after I came back from Thailand to Korea, I couldn't forget the Golden Tanned Boy, those sparkling eyes, Sometimes he invaded my dreams, I used to wake up tangled in sheets searching the other side of my bed and a morning hood to take care of, this has become a daily routine, Even at office I am getting rough with handling mistakes of others around me, but whenever Jeff & I use to talk about Porsche, Jeff always says that I start smiling and looking at everyone with star in my eyes, That is why I was dancing in my office room after I got the call about our International business meetings being held in Thailand this month, I began searching for Porsche non-stop, I knew if I entrust Jeff with any job he never disappoints me & finally here I am looking at my dream boy sitting just few feets away from me....but before I gather enough courage to even say "Hi" to Him, I saw him taking the bus & leaving me here to wait for tomorrow.

Porsche Pov:

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't realised the bus is hear, blowing horn which startled me & I got up taking my backpack, & Took the ride to the Therapanyakuns'office.

When I saw their Office, it felt like I am standing in front of the most beautiful building I have ever led my eyes on, So High touching the sky, if I tries to see the top floor of this building, I think I would hurt my neck,
There were security guards at every corner, holding Guns and in well fitting dress, Even my best dress seems underrated beside them. Will I get to wear the same one as them?
My train of thoughts ended after I saw the huge number of candidates sitting in large hall waiting for their turns to get called for the interview,

Soon a Man with a bun, carrying a big file entered the hall, along with two Bodyguards, He started calling names of the candidates one by one, last he pronounced my name, we were told to stand in a line & wait , others were told to go back to their position,

We were informed that our Activities here, were recorded through CCTV camera & later on the owner of the company gonna scrutinize our our performance, based on his decision, we will be selected for further training and recruitment.

After our Given tasks were over we were given time schedule for next appointment, told to get ready for our new journey.

We were excited & little nervous about the decision of the owner of the company, nobody have seen him before he met with only High official, what kind of person he is, some of the guards were talking about him like he is the most strict one here, they didn't even dare to mention his name, saying they don't want to get in trouble.
I did best during all the activities I hope I pass his standards.


Today was hectic day as usual, The smell of Blood & Fired bullets were so strong, I had to do this for my family, for everyone who believes in me that they are safe as long as I am alive breathing & had even one last bullet left in my Lucky Gun,

But times like right now when I am back to the silence of my penthouse apartment, I am all alone, I can't trust anyone even in my sleep, I don't know who will be at the back of me ready to stab me while I am in dreamland, now that luxurious bed mocking me at the corner knowing I can't sleep on it, I am gonna spend another night on that chair who is a little uncomfortable but gave me the immense sense of life and safety that I am alive.
That Chair belongs to my mother, she used to sit on it & knit sweaters for me in her free time, although Paa, never use to have enough time to spend with us but Mae always said to me, Paa love us a lot, he is doing everything in his reach so that me and Mae can live happily & safe.

Now I know Mae what you meant by that, I can understand why Paa never had Time for us, he was not only my father, he is the father to millions who still believe that I, the son of Korn Therapanyakun, now gonna do the same & protect them.

I promise, I will try my best but right now I want to hug you and want you pat my head saying I did well, I miss you Mae & Paa.

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