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KINN never thought one day he would be scolding Big, Big is like his younger brother, a helping hand, most trust worthy person in his life, but Hiding Porsche from him, was not acceptable.

Sir, I just wanted not to worry you regarding that kid, he is just a newbie, it's not his mistake, It was me who wanted to protect him from your scolding, I didn't knew you would be searching for him, I am deeply sorry, you can punish me however you want, I failed you,

(I had a feeling that Big did everything for a reason, after listening to his words I felt his concern for Porsche too.)

Why you trying to help Porsche?

Sir, I know for first time I am favouring someone in front of you, but Porsche reminds me of my younger brother, I wanted him to become a part of our family.

It's okay.....Actually I like him too.


( There was a little silence Kinn was looking into Big eyes with a little smile on his face... until Big repeated what Khun Kinn said just now in his brain " I like him too" Khun Kinn likes Porsche? But in which way....that day when Porsche slept in his bed, maybe something happened, that changed Khun Kinn feelings for Porsche, he wouldn't believe, Porsche & Kinn ... OMG)

Khun Kinn likes Porsche?

What are you babbling like a fool, Big, stop with your creepy smile and tell me everything about Porsche, I need all the details regarding his family, friends, gf/bf, debts, everything. I hope you be quick to gather all these information. Moreover as you already know Our deal with Mr. LOEY is finalized and he wants us to send Porsche to him, I want to handle this matter myself, I want you to clear my schedule enough to train Porsche under my scrutiny.
I don't want to lose this opportunity, Now I want you to send Porsche to me, Make sure no one distrub us.

Now you may leave.

Kinn was thinking about how he gonna face Porsche, the boy he is feeling so attracted to since the time he saw him in his bed, the restlessness he is feeling right now just at the thought of meeting Porsche alone again. He hoped he doesn't do anything stupid which give away his inner turmoil in front of the boy. He needs to calm down and wear his mask of Mafia King. But all his trying to calm himself down challenge failed the moment he heard Porsche knock on the door of his office, asking for permission to come in.
Kinn unlock his mobile phone opened front camera & looked at himself, fixing his hair and making a serious strict face before he allowed Porsche to come in...he didn't want to appear like someone who looks like a melting candle in front of Porsche's warmth which felt on that night whe he was sleeping with Porsche in his arms.

But as soon as his eyes met with Porsche, he knew that nothing can save him from this burning flame of warmth, his feeling for Porsche, took a deep root in his heart somewhere no one else reached except his mother. He needs to separate them, Porsche is not similar to her, he is just someone who helped him sleep a night without nightmares, nothing more.

{Thanks for reading my stories
Next chapter To be continued ❤️}

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