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As he wakes up, & look around at the clock, he screamed because of how late he is waking up on the first day of such important work assigned by Master Kinn himself, he still remember what Master Kinn told him & Arm before they left for the mission, Porsche needs to take care of his every steps, he can't slack off even for a second. He was busy thinking & cursing at himself, mumbling like a kid, unknown to the presence of another person in his room.

LOEY couldn't help but smile at the cute adorable morning welcomed with his Porsche, he is so cute screaming & mumbling like a baby, Actually He got to see this side of Porsche, thanks to his friend Jeff who informed him about the daily routine of his love, Porsche love drink tea first after he wakes up, and LOEY didn't want anyone else to see Porsche first in the morning before him, he should be the one to wake up his Porsche, so here he is the one & only Heir of Park family, holding a tray with tea pot, standing in a bodyguard room, like a servant while smiling at Porsche.

LOEY cleared his throat with a little deep voice to gain Porsche attention, to which Porsche raise his eyes and saw Your Highness LOEY standing in front his bed, holding a tray, He panicked & trying to put on a t-shirt, which he pull off & throw down on floor due to tiredness before sleeping, which is very embarassing , Porsche is not a teenager,he should have been clean and tidy, waking up on time, strict with rules and regulations, he is a bodyguard after all but every rule & regulation is crumbling after he reached Korea, the Prince must be disappointed but on contrary LOEY is only smiling and staring at Porsche like he never saw someone like Porsche before.

" It's okay, Porsche please calm down"

His voice is so deep & raspy but soothing, "Prince is in his room" , as soon as the realisation hit Porsche, Porsche bow down his head to greet Your Highness.

"Good Morning Your Highness"

" Good Morning, Porsche, did you sleep well?"

" Ofcourse your Highness, I have never slept in such comfort before, thanks"

"Oh, I am happy to hear that"

" But Your Highness what brings you so early here, is there is anything I can help you with "

" No, it's not about, ...( LOEY didn't thought about it before coming into Porsche room, seriously what he should say that he wanted to see him first in the morning so that his day starts by looking at Porsche beautiful face, damn he needs to stop following his heart orders) um.. I wanted to let you know that we will have breakfast together, so please get ready & have this tea, it will help you to get rid of tiredness from yesterday journey "

LOEY quickly put down the tray & walking outside the door, only to place his hand palm on his crazy heart who is beating just at the thought of getting caught by his love of life for hiding his love from him.

"His Stupid Heart"

(Thanks for reading my stories ❤️ Next Chapter update Soon 💛)

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