Chapter 15: FEELINGS

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Kinn Pov:

As Big already informed me that today he will be selecting one of the newly trained bodyguard to be my partner for the event tonight, since my safety is crucial for all of them, mainly in these events enemy in disguise of friends, play dirty tricks for their advantage, So we should be ready for anything but what I am even thinking when I am not ready even for the next few minutes surprise.
Looking at my watch while waiting in the lobby to meet my partner for the event I was getting impatient,Why its taking so long to ready for a simple event like this?
Until I heard someone walks in front of my vision, wearing a black suit, I put my phone away & raised my eyes to look at him. & To say I was speechless would be lying because my head got literally filled with all the vocabularies I know to describe the most beautiful person standing in front of me, I want to tell him how handsome he is, His golden tan skintone is shimmering gold in glitter, it must have been the idea of my demonic big brother to unbutton those three buttons on the top showing his unblemished collarbone, to his chest, my mouth went dry just looking at him, lipstick shades were never my things but now that I saw his lips gloss red luscious, which he kept licking in every few seconds had my full attention, how does it tastes, his eyes lowered, is he shy? blinking continuously , fingers Playing with the rings while he standing in front of me messing completely with my desires to tell him, let's not go to this event, it would be torture for me to let anyone else see you like this,

" Sir, It's time"

" Uh..umm..oh we should get going"

I was so lost in my head, looking at him that I forgot I am not alone, I should get a grip on myself, focus Kinn focus.
Unconsciously I started walking towards my car before anyone else & open the door to the back for him, this is what a gentleman should do for partner, Porsche eyes widened at my gesture, did I do something wrong, oh I forgot it's always him or other bodyguards who used to open the car door for their boss, I mean Me, what the hell is wrong with me , He is not my real partner,its just a play, just for tonight party.

We both seated in my car, he took the corner side, looking straight out of the window, while I was trying my best to not stare at him silently, he is beautiful than everyone else, I remembered how that morning even when he was in messing hair, simple white tshirt, sleeping without any care in my bed, he made me felt like this, heartbeat faster, His innocent eyes and beautiful smile would have anyone Fallen for him but drooling over someone's beauty is shallow, it's nothing, you have seen more beautiful people who are dying to get one night of dreams in your arms, get a grip Kinn.

Big : (in ear Bluetooth VIP line)
" Sir, we have arrived at the venue"

( Line 2)
" Porsche be ready, you know what you have to do right & others take your positions"

As soon as we get out of the car, Porsche put on his best Bunny smile that had me mesmerized for few seconds which was broken by his slow slide of hold on my arms, fuck everything, I am not surviving this event tonight, now I am not worried about myself anymore, all I can think about is how I am gonna protect this little guy from those wolves who would salivate even looking at his shadow, anyone would be giving him their life if he just let them be at his feet. So does I am, I want to be selfish, I want you for myself completely, whole from heart to your soul.

( Thanks for reading my stories 🥰 next update soon 💛)

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