Chapter 14: BIG BROTHER

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1 week went away, Porsche is now ready to take on the mission for Kinn, he was considered best among all of his bodyguard after Big, Big gave him green card to attend a club meeting with Kinn, tonight.
But Kinn was not ready for what was coming for him, as this was a private club party & nobody allowed to come in along with the guests except their partners, bodyguard need to stay outside of the building if they want but not inside, as many of the ruthless mafias gonna be there & even a single piece of weapon might invoked a breach of trust between them, Big knew Kinn would be willing to take risk of going alone into the den of these Power hungry wolves, who might try to take advantage of him in any way they can, so to assure that Kinn remains safe, he decided to send a new face with Kinn, so a well trained bodyguard would be perfect to go with him, who should be handsome enough to get passed as Kinn's partner and Porsche somehow fit for all the qualities. Moreover Big can trust Porsche completely. He always felt a deep connection with him, Big knew after him, if anyone else who can take his place in Kinn's life that would be this Kid. Even from Kinn's behaviour it was evident that he saw Porsche in different lights, how he trained the Kid himself, making sure he become sharp and good at everything. He would be proud to see how Porsche is now ready to be his bodyguard.
Big gave all the instructions & order to the Porsche & other for the event tonight. Although Porsche said yes to the idea of being Kinn's partner for few hours but Making him look more feminine and beautiful with his masculine body strength was the most difficult part of the play for Big, But as soon as Porsche came out of the dressing room wearing the well fitted three piece suit cling to his slender waist and well Sculptured body, even his heartbeat running faster than before, he couldn't keep his eyes off him,

" Sir, How do I look?"

" good, the suit suits you, I think you should wear this tonight with Kinn, Kinn's partner wear always treated with luxury & expensive things, they are well mannered, knew how to deal with well known public figures, I hope you watch the video, I sent you before regarding all the information regarding these party & people's you have to meet along with Kinn,"

"Yes, Sir, I have watched & learnt everything"

"Don't make mistakes there, our first priority is to protect the life of Mr.Kinn at any cost "

"Yes, Sir"

" Now Everyone Get ready for the mission get your weapons and guns and...You Porsche I hope you get done with your makeup before meeting us in ground floor lobby ( Big can't help but smile a little bit thinking about the reaction of Kinn, when he will saw Porsche in this outfit, it gonna be a sight) Now Everyone move"

Porsche Pov:

I don't understand why it has to be me, I know Master Kinn & Sir Big trust me a lot, but I can't breathe in this damn suit why this got to be so well fitted, although I feel a little bit strange, I mean I feel myself look good, beautiful... No..I mean handsome but make-up seriously I have never done this before I hope I don't embarass Master Kinn during this event.

" I can't believe myself, that Kinn hiding such a gem from my sight, your eyes, lips, body everything scream beauty, Btw do you know me ? I bet Kinn didn't tell you anything about me, I am his Big  Brother, the crazy one in the house, my name is "Thankhun".

" Swadeekharb, Master Thankun , I am Porsche, New bodyguard of Master Kinn"

"I see you are cute and polite little bun, don't need to call me Master, you can just call me Phi Khun, I hate being those scary mafia Prince, those titles suits more to Kinn & Kim, instead let me spoil you, come here let's do your makeup & I can't wait to see how my baby scary brother going to be so on the edge during this event (wink) "

I don't get why he winked at me , but Phi Khun is so cute and sweet, He gonna be my third favourite person after Bas & Big in this company, now I need to focus on the mission.

( Thanks for reading my stories ❤️ Next Chapter update Soon 💛)

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