Chapter 4 - LOEY

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Porsche Pov:

I put on the best Dress, that have in my closet, and started walking towards the nearest Bus stand of the boys hostel Where I live now, I can't afford a taxi, traveling in public bus is like a life line of my daily routine,
Today was just like any other day of my life, just one thing was different that I was going to the office of Therapanyakuns' where my future depends, I mean our future depends, Geni is everything for me and I will do whatever it takes for us to be together.
I was deep in my thoughts...sitting on the bench, waiting for the bus until a red coloured farari stopped in front of me, since last few days I have noticed many fancy beautiful cars always parked at the place wherever I went, their windows are mostly black tinted glass, and they remain at the same place as long I will be there and afterwards the person behind the wheel drives away, Are they stalking me? But why anyone in the world would be doing something like this, I have got nothing, nor money neither enemy, so I always brush away that thought, thinking it just a coincidence, I should focus on my today's interview,


( Ring Ring... Ring Ring)

My phone is on silent mode since 6 AM in the morning, I don't understand why mom always keep calling me every hour of the day, I know she loves me the most but I am not a kid who use to have running nose and chubby cheeks, running after our servants playing with my toy Gun to catch the thief.
She already sent Jeff as my secretary cum spy to keep an eye on me, whether I am eating my meal on time or not, having proper rest & not only busy with attending business meetings, She wants me to have fun like any other boys or girls of my age but she keeps forgetting that not all the girls or boys of my age are The Only Heir of Royal Park family of Korea, The Prince of Goreyu, Park LOEY.
I can't enjoy life like others, I got responsibilities not only of my family but all the people who work for us & their families too, I can't do whatever I like.
But despite of all these responsibilities nothing can stop me to see him once in a day, since last few days, it was like heaven for me.
Today too I took my favourite red farari to see him, Jeff was smarter than I thought, he informed me last night that Porsche got interview with one of the famous company of Thailand, they want to Hire few Bodyguards, I asked him to get more information about them, & right now I am sitting in my car looking at him, as always he looks so handsome, that white t-shirt white, blue jeans and a simple old watch, he got his favourite black backpack which he used to carry since college days made him look so good, as always making my heartbeat go crazy just as the first time I saw him.

I still remember our First meeting, we (a group of Korean students) came here to take part in an international competition among the best colleges of the countries, after the competition we were allowed to travel around the famous places in Thailand to learn more about their culture and tradition, meet local people, & learn about their lifestyle, and to help us, we were accompanied by few Thai students,who were friendly, good at speaking both Korean & Thai, knew the places well as they Born & bought up here,
Porsche was one of them, The moment my eyes fall on him, I couldn't look away, although He was mostly surrounded by all the girls of our group, joking around & being friendly, He helped elders and children too when we visited temple, He was a spiritual guy, talking about meditation and Buddhism, but something about his eyes, his smile didn't reach to that brown deep bright sparkles of his eyes, I wanted to ask him, what I can do to see his genuine smile, I can give him everything, his favourite food, money, any luxury of Life he can think about, I even tried to reaching up to him, many times during our tour but could not speak a single word when he was in front of me, my friends made fun of me being a coward, getting intimidated by a more handsome guy than me, except Jeff, I think he understood how I was failing to control my feelings infront of this boy, I didn't knew what I would have said to him if I had opened my lips, at that time nobody knew that I am Gay, approaching Porsche would have made me expose my sexual preference, I am a Heir of Royal family, I got responsibilities, I can't do reckless things, it gonna affect my people, I need to control myself & try to forget him.

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