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Third Person Pov:

( Knock knock)

Come in

Sir, We finally have the performance evaluation and CCTV footage of the new candidates to join our Bodyguards, I request you to go through the report & tell us what who would be the best for your special 24x7 Guards.

Big, I trust you regarding all this small stuff, you are one of the best Bodyguard of all, You can choose anyone, I know they will be loyal & best like you. Also take care of their living expenses and other things as long as they work for us.

I have to leave for Japan right now, one of the oldest friends of our family, invited me for dinner. I need you to accompany me during this trip. For now you are dismissed.

Okay Sir,

Big started watching the video & report of those new applicants, he was impressed by a very Golden Sunkissed Boy, giving his best during all the tasks, That boy is orphan there is no one for whom he can betray them, He would be perfect to become a part of Kinn's personal Bodyguards team. Than Big selected few more candidates to join their team.

Appointment letter were sent to respective candidates, Porsche was excited to tell this good news to Geni but since she was still upset with him, Her parents told him to give Geni some time, everything will be fine.

Porsche packed his luggage, & left for the adventure of his new life, into Kinn's world.

At the Training Centre:

They were given instructions regarding their "do & don't" during training period, no friends were allowed inside the campus, Smoking and drinking is not allowed, Medical system is available for them 24x7, They will be given leave on Weekends, To buy their personal requirements from market otherwise no one allowed to take leave without proper reason, one more thing nobody is allowed to go to VIP floor, until Master Kinn orders.
These rules were nothing in comparison to the skills they have learnt during the one month of the bone Breaking training.
They are taught to use Guns and several techniques to kill someone with just their bare hands,
Slowly and gradually Porsche started to even forget how his life was before joining Therapanyakuns, here he got one best friend named Arm, he was good with Guns handling, they celebrated festivals together, shared their lowest times of lives. It was easy for him to open up to Arm knowing he was orphan too, but Arm was adopted by an old couple during childhood, completing his studies and decided to become a bodyguard.
Everyone was friendly with them although Porsche & Arm was getting inseparable everywhere. They started celebrating their birthdays too. On weekends they would buy something special for themselves & give gifts to each other.
Everything was good until It was Porsche's Birthday & everyone decided to enjoy themselves by breaking the rule of No alcohol inside the campus. Porsche requested them not to do anything stupid that would double their punishment by Sir Big but nobody gonna listen to good boy like him, they told him, it is okay to break rules sometimes they are grown up man & it's not like they gonna hurt anyone, nobody gonna find out anything if everything goes according to their plan.

They made Porsche buy alcohol since Big always gave special liking to Him, sometimes he didn't even check Porsche belonging during weekly scrutiny and checking of bodyguards. Although Porsche was breaking into sweat in front of Big, but Big didn't doubted him at all, Porsche felt happy knowing Big trust him so much & felt bad because he has to lie to him cause of his best friend stupidity.

After everyone went to their rooms to sleep, Porsche, Arm & few of them stayed awake in their room, waiting to enjoy the taste of their first sip of alcohol, it was first time, Porsche was drinking and going to celebrate his adulthood like an adult according to Arm.
They filled their Cups to the brim & gave only half of it to Porsche.
First sip of it & Porsche regreted his decision to listen to these idiots. Why in the world someone would drink something so bitter & burning his throat. But seeing others enjoy the taste, he took another sip, it was not as bad as first time, slowly with every sip the taste of sweetness of alcohol getting on his tongue, he started laughing and adorable bubbling to his friends, everyone else is more wasted than him though Soon most of them fell asleep in his room, now there was no space left for Porsche to sleep, Drunk Porsche opened the door of his room to go in search of a place to sleep, as he didn't want his best friend to feel uncomfortable in his room, slowly he kept climbing the stairs to the top floor of the building, he wants to see the sky today, to tell his mom and dad, he is happy, he got a new family here. Everyone loves him, he is no longer alone, struggling to get to the another day, now happy. Until he saw a open door to a room, there is a bed, he can sleep happily.... walking towards the bed with unsteady steps he slowly lift the blanket and gets into the warmth of it, it was comfortable, he felt like safe and secure in those arms around his waist hugging him from behind.


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