Chapter 12: PUNISHMENT

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Kinn POV:

I was waiting for Porsche after I sent away Big, If Porsche remember that night, I have to punish him for breaking our bodyguards rules but as soon as
he entered my office room,I lost all my reasoning, he was in his bodyguard uniform, clothes perfectly showing off his healthy curves and physical fitness, I can't stop staring at him, from toe to head, how can someone look so beautiful and handsome in such simple clothes, does all my bodyguard looks this Adonis Godly blessed with Handsomeness?  that's when his doe looking eyes met mine, and clearing the lump in my throat, I worn my bossy mask back , it's time I should show him, what he is dealing with.
Suddenly I am aware of how I was staring at him but before he could say anything I averted my eyes towards the skyline window which shows the most beautiful view of Bangkok from my office & I started talking to him.

" Porsche as you know we have recently signed a deal with Park industries of Korea, but they want us to send one of our man to understand what & how they gonna work to benefit our position in Korea & to learn more about their rules and regulations, cultural and other aspects of their country so that we won't make mistakes in a foreign country and our business would flourish more, but their condition is that one man will be chosen by Mr. LOEY himself, and to our dismay  his choice is you. You are a newly recruited bodyguard in our company, I don't know why Mr. LOEY wanted you to be a part of this deal but I don't like risking my family's and colleagues' Hard work & sacrifices, cause of a single mistake of a newbie. So from now on you have to go through a special training for this deal"

After I completed my last sentence, I thought he might ask me few questions like why him? Or say anything about that night incident but I heard no response from him, so I return back to face to face with Porsche, I saw his beautiful eyes looks wide in confusion, puzzle written all over his face, I don't understand which part of my conversation pulling out such adorable reaction from him, I wanted to smile a little.
I was so ready to be a strict boss in front of him but I Don't know if I would punish him, who would be actually getting punished right now? Him or Me? Something about Porsche keep melting my heart for him.
but I knew as a head of Mafia King & boss I need to control myself.

" Do you understand me? What are you looking at ? Get ready for your special training, it will be done under my supervision from onwards,you will report me, Whatever you do , don't make mistakes, mistakes are unforgivable in our world.Now Go & pack your belongings you are moving in to VIP floor as my personal bodyguard."

He was still staring at me with wide eyes and mouth open like he is trying to remember something, Does he really not remember what happened between us that night? Is he playing innocent just to find out what is my feeling about that night? Or is he really so innocent?.

" Porsche? .. Porsche did you understand my words, if you do please Stop staring at me and go do as I have said, move now"

Without any delay Porsche took his leave, closing the door, leaving behind a Kinn as confused as him.

What are you Porsche, Why are you doing all these  things, why LOEY chosen you? What's makes you so special in my life?
I just can't wait to find out everything about you.


{ Thanks for reading my stories ❤️💚💛
Next chapter coming soon 🔜}

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