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I was so sleepy probably because I worked until it was closing time. Miya on the other hand didn't look tiered at all in fact it looked like she still wanted to write her book. But there is a huge chance that I was just seeing things, I could barely even see her with her hair covering her face and her baggy clothes.


It was finally time for the math lesson. I know that Miya won't speak to me but it's nice just staring at her.

Miya still didn't have her specs and she still wore baggy clothes.

She was so concentrated on Mrs. Mathews that she couldn't see her pencil rolling on her desk. I would have stopped it, but I didn't want her to think I was trying taking it so I watched as it fell right off her desk.

Miya bend down to get it, and as she was doing so, her long brown hair split in the middle. Leaving her neck with no coverage. And for a split second I could have sworn I saw bruises.

I spent the next 5 minutes debating with myself on whether or not it was really bruised and swollen.

I deliberately dropped my pen towards her side of the desk so that she would have no choice but to get it for me.

Naturally she did but this time her hair didn't split it just fell to one side of her face. Now she couldn't see a thing so she removed some hair from her face. This time I saw that her right eye was bruised it looked so nasty but she covered it up so quickly I couldn't get a second glance.
★ ★ ★
Author's note
Hey guys what do you think is happening to Miya?
Tell me in the comments
Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors

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