Deus In Absentia

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You watch the rain roll down the window sitting alone in the back seat of the taxi that smells of stale cigarettes, the world blurring past causing your eyes to unfocus.

At the orphanage once you reach the age of 17 and you are not adopted, they kick you out, although thats not how they phrase it of course.
You can either leave of your "own accord" or you can join a boarding school to finish your schooling, government paid, unless you drop out, then you somehow have to pay the fees yourself which you doubt your job at the local burger place would cover.
You remember the conversation well.

Mr Aberama was sitting behind his desk, the sunlight coming through the blinds making it easy to see the dust dancing in the air in front of his face.
"Have a seat please y/n", he says not looking up but sensing your silent presence lingering in the open doorway.

You walk in closing it the door gently behind you and sit.
"It's your birthday soon" he smiles warmly looking up and you nod.
You're allowed to ask for one thing each birthday and they do their best to get what you want as long as it's not a ludacris request. You mainly ask for books or cassettes tapes, reading and music being your way to escape. Books being the easier request as cassette tapes involve using the boombox that's for everyone to share and you rarely have a moment alone between your shitty job, schooling and living here.

"What can we get for you this year?" He rests his elbows on his desk and clasps his hands together. Your eyes distracted by his gold watch glistening against his dark skin in the sunbeams.

You take a deep breath. "I..Is a Walkman too much to ask for?" You ask quietly tugging at the hem of your sleeves around your wrists.
Mr Aberamas' hazel eyes watching you for a moment, he was probably the only decent person in this place, besides the younger children whom you spent the majority of your time with, reading to them.

"I think we can manage that for your last birthday here y/n".
His words make you sigh. You haven't had the easiest time here but it's the only place you've ever known. Your dream of being adopted died a long time ago.
You came close once when you were 6, but they came back with you after a week saying you cried too much, like a dog that barks too much being returned to the pound.

"Onto your decision y/n, have you thought about what you want to do?". His dark curly hair bobbing as he moves to pull some papers out of a draw.
The decision was easy, some of the older boys who are trouble makers tend to go out on their own rather than finish schooling. You however, know there's no chance you'd survive on your own out there, especially with what little you're paid. You're smart enough to understand that the kids who choose to leave usually end up being today's criminals no matter how hard the orphanage tries to get them to make the right choice.

"I'll go to a school" you smile weakly.
He smiles broadly at you, genuinely happy at your choice, "I knew you'd make the right decision y/n".

"Now, since I knew you'd make the right choice I've already made some phone calls, we are sectioned to only a few boarding schools in our area but they are all at capacity at the moment, which is why it's taken so long for me to get you in somewhere". 

He sighs flicking through his papers finally finding the right one "I managed to find one for you though, I spoke to a.." he picks up his notes and squints at his handwriting, "Sister Imperator?" He tilts his head confused unsure if he read it correctly.
"She said they have room for you, it's further out then the rest, but academically it seems to be a very good school from what she said. I think they are Catholic, they are run by a church, are you ok with that?".
You nod your head and shrug having never been schooled by anyone other then Mr Doyle who seemed to enjoy slapping the giant wooden chalkboard ruler across your desk whenever anyone misbehaved even if it wasn't you. Constantly startling you and grinning while he did.

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