Legions Of Spirits

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At breakfast you watch Terzo and Astrid walk in together. You sigh at how cute they are.
You feel something hit you in the face. You look opposite you at Copia who's grinning. He flicks another piece of dry cereal at you. "What?".. again, and again. You put your hands up "Stop! What are you doing?! You laugh.
"Getting you back" he smirks continuing to flick cereal at you
"For what?" You reach over to grab his bowl but he takes it away.

"I told you yesterday I'd get you back for shoving a pillow in my face", he flicks some more at you laughing.
"What?! No you didn't!" You start picking out cereal from your hair. He stops mid throw to think "Oh, yeah, I might have said it in italian" he says throwing one more.

Terzo walks up looking at all the cereal around you on the floor. "Forget where your mouth is sorellina?" He asks sitting down.
You roll your eyes and Copia bursts into laughter.
"How did it go?" Copia asks Terzo. He groans "boring as hell" he shrugs "but it's done, we have a new Papa" he rolls his eyes.
"Why do you hate the idea of Secondo being Papa?" You ask him
"I think it makes him worry that it means he's getting closer to becoming Papa" Astrid smiles warmly at him.
Terzo's eyes widen not having thought that through showing on his face, you laugh.
He glares at you.
"You have quite some time until that happens" Copia tries to reassure him.
He ignores Copia "Drinks tonight?" He asks looking around.
"Thought you'd forgotten about us" Sodo says biting into an apple with a crunch watching Terzo.
"Sodo! Never!" He places his hand on his heart dramatically opening his mouth in shock.

During lunch break, not having been able to ease your mind of the ritual coming up. You run to your dorm quickly, rifling through your draws trying to find the work book you'd been writing in. Where the fuck did I put it?
You think back. The day you spoke to Primo about the ritual, Terzo had pissed you off and you slammed against.... oh shit Terzo has it.

You groan at yourself, heading back down to the cafeteria.
You walk up to eveyone having lunch, "Terzo, do you still have my workbook?" He looks up mid bite, "Wha?" He looks confused. "The workbook I had when I was writing about the ritual".
Understanding dawns on his face "Oh y -" he looks over at Copia who's shaking his head in a "no" direction and looks back at you "-no?"
He glances back at Copia.
"Y-no?" You repeat hands on your hips.

You point at Copia, "Shush".
You look back at Terzo. "Where is it?".
"Um...-" he mumbles.
You look over at Aether, "What number is your dorm Aether?", not having paid any attention to the conversation he looks at you "13?" He raises a brow.
"Thanks" you turn and walk off to the sounds of "Oh shit", chairs scraping the floor and laughing.

You make it to the boys dorms first, Terzo reaches out a hand on your shoulder "Wait!" He puffs. "I'll go get it". You stop and watch him wander off.
Copia is behind you, you turn to him "Why don't you want me to have it back?" You ask arms folded.
"I just don't want you obsessing over it and getting worried" he shrugs.
Terzo comes back and hands you the workbook, "What didn't you want me to see?" You smirk.
His eyes widen "Nothing" he mumbles walking back to the cafeteria.

You wave the workbook in Copias face poking your tongue out and walk off. "Where are you going now?" He yells after you. "Library" you call back hearing him groan.

You flick to the page Keane had written his book recommendations, the only thing he's good for, and walk into the library.
"Let me know if you need any help" Sister Shannon calls from the desk. "Thank You Sister".

You walk around and find the books you need. Sitting down and an empty table and open them up.
The sigil of lucifer and the leviathan sulfur are easily identifiable to you.
You flip through a book and find the first one-
"Ipos, the twenty second spirit, he is an earl and a mighty prince. He appears in the form of an angel with a lions head, gooses foot and a hares tail. He knows all things, past, present, and to come. He makes men witty and bold. He governs the 35 legions of spirits"

You write it down, re reading it a few times. He knows all?
You keep searching and find another just before the bell goes.

"Haagenti, the forty-eighth spirit. He is a president of hell, appearing in the form of a mighty bull with gryphons wings. This is at first, but after the command of the conjurer he will put on a human form. He makes men wise and instructs them in diverse things. He also transmutes metals to gold, wine to water and water into wine. He governs the 33 legions of spirits.

You quickly borrow the books. Barely able to concentrate on your last few classes muddling through until you can run back to your dorm to flip through the books again.

Finding that the two symbols at the bottom of the picture are summoning sigils. The great circle of sumoning and the common sigil for summoning unholy power.

2 more symbols to go.
You power through the books.
You find that the symbol next to the devil is another kind of sigil for Lucifer the Moringstar and the one on the end took you a good hour to find anything.
It just simply reading "Meood, Life Restorer".
You trace the symbol with your finger a couple of times wondering about the life restorer.

You start trying to read the language you cant decifer.

Imsgld Fbeed Gnhpmb

Ejsl hrl jlqh nj bnjlmvl flseali lnvrhllj, rl apih fmgl rni iepb he imhmj.
Dpgnjv hrl gnhpmb rl nbb fl fbliild nhr hrl welg ez nrew, rmvmvljhn mjd alled.
Rl nbb fl ljwlbewld fo imhmj nj mbb rni vbego.

Your eyes blur over. You flick through your books to find anything smiliar. There's nothing.

"What the fuck does any of that mean?"
You mumble to yourself slamming books shut.

"It means you need to get out of here, get something to eat and then come and have a drink" Cumulus says from the doorway arms folded.
"How long have you been there?!" You ask shocked.
"Long enough to know you mumble to yourself too much!" She chuckles holding her hand out, "Come on".
You groan, dumping your pen on the bed and getting up.

[Info from the book The Lesser Key Of Solomon, other bits just around on the internet]

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