First day

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Billie's POV:
I woke up by my alarm ringing early in the morning, I went to the bathroom and took a nice and warm shower. After that I went down to the kitchen and made myself some breakfast, after breakfast I immediately went to the car and drove to work. While I was driving to work I saw a boy I couldn't take my eyes of until I had to focus on the road again. When I got to work I went to my office and started packing out my stuff, the principal came in. "Hey Mrs. O'Connell welcome to LAhighschool" he looked at me with a smile "thank you very much" I smiled back. After that conversation he left my office to I can continue packing up my stuff. After a while of doing that the bell rang. I went to the classroom and saw all the student widens their eyes and looked at me with a shock "damn she's hot" I heard one of the students say. Alright Billie let's begin "hey y'all my name is Billie nice to meet you" I said with a smile. After a while teaching them it came in one student "hey kiddo you're late" "so... do you think I care?" He went to his desk and sat down. He stayed in the classroom after class in the lunch break "hey kiddo what's your name?" I asked him with a soft voice "my name is Josh I guess..." it seems like he's very annoyed. I went back to my desk and sat down correcting on all the tests they had. I saw Josh staring at me, but I didn't see what he was staring at. "is everything alright Josh?" i asked him with a smile onn my face "yeah... why are you wondering?" "because it seems like you're staring at me" when I said that he quickly turned around and started writing on a paper. I wanted to know what he was writing, but he was trying to hide it. I asked if I were allowed to see the drawing, but he told me not to because it was private. I nodded my head yes and walked back to my desk, he looked at me again and this time it seemed like he was looking at my boobs. I picked up my jakket and tried to cover them up a little, when I did that he took his eyes of me and just looked down at his shoes. I think my boobs had something with the drawing to do, maybe he was drawing them. I looked at him again and I saw him acting like he was a little sad "Josh tell me what's wrong" i looked worried at him "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" he said very madly and sadly att the same time, and it was at that time i understood that he really wanted my boobs on the drawing to make him happy again. i quickly took my jakket off and sat down on my desk so he could see them very easely, when he saw this he smiled and continued drawing. Josh was looking at my ass too, and after that he moved his eyes to somewhere else... he looked at my pussy very much. at this time i covered it up with my jakket as a blanket, he stopped drawing again and just putted the drawing in his backpack. The clock rang and everyone in class came inn and sat down on their desks "alright no one is late" I looked at them all with a smile, I gave them a paper with math questions on it. Everyone started working on it exept Josh, he just looked down at it and did nothing. I walked over to him "aren't you gonna work on that paper?" I asked him with a smile on my face "no I don't want to and I never will work on it so piss off" when he said that I nodded my head yes and just walked away. it didn't really make me happy, after school he stayed a little after class and refused to go. Josh just stayed there being quiet acting like he didn't notice the clock. It looked like Josh felt very lost and sad, I didn't like the look on his face. He never talked to other he just kept quiet and tried not to  stay close to people, I'm wondering if people is bullying him or something. I walked over to him and took a chair and sat down on the side of him "Josh you seem very sad all the time so I was just wondering if you'd like to tell me what is wrong" he just looked at me and didn't say anything I looked worried att him and saw the fear in his eyes, there came a tear out of his eye and some more tears "heyyy you don't cry" I told him very worried and I saw he was trying to hide his tears, but didn't work. I took one of his hands and he hugged me, but not a long hug. He got a call from his father "COME HOME NOW OR ELSE I WILL HURT THE BLOOD OUT OF YOU!!!!" i heard his father say "I-I'm sorry d-dad" he said with a shacky voice, when i heard what his father said I felt one tear running down my cheek. He took his backpack and left, I tried to find him again, but I didn't. When I was on the way to my car I saw him and a man in a corner of the school, the man tried to beat him up. When in saw it I ran over to them and tried to stop them, Josh was screaming for me and he was screaming in pain. I called the police and when they arrested his father Josh broke down in tears leaning into my arms. I pulled him in my car and drove him to the hospital, he was covered in blood. "you will stay here with me right?" he asked me with a shacky voice "ofc Josh, I won't let you stay here all alone after what happened". after many days he went back to school living all alone, he have told me he lived all alone and had the house for himself. Josh's mother was dead after his father killing her. Josh started getting a little better and a little more happier, but not much. all he focused on was my boobs and my butt, he didn't focuse about his school work. I tried to get him focused on something else than my private parts on my body, but that didn't work. He was drawing a lot and still focused on my boobs no matter what.

heyyy y'all how's life?? but at least I finally finished this chapter  which I've been working on. hope y'all enjoy <3 love ya

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