School fun pt.2

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Billie's POV:
Me and Aliyah were having sex, feels great. I can't describe how good and fantastic it feels. Her dick inside me fits perfect. I can't really say we're fucking, it's more like we're having sex with love. Making love to each other. We're making out at the same time as we're having sex and me moaning like hell. She hits my g-spot all the time. "Fuck right there!" I moaned in pleasure. I felt her cum fill me up for the million time. I'm not on pills, no condom, not anything. There is no way back, but right now I don't give two fucks about it. Most likely Aliyah makes me pregnant. That is far away from good.

Me and Aliyah ended up falling asleep with her dick still inside of me. And after an hour or two we woke up. "Wha- what's going on?" Aliyah asked me "we fell asleep" I said in a sleepy voice. "Inside of you" she said embarrassed "that's alright" I said with a smile. She pulled out of me and she still have a boner. She looks so sleepy. I sat up and grabbed her dick and started stroking it. I know that will wake her up, and it did too. "Let's get dressed shall we?" I said and she nodded. I got dressed and sat back in to driver seat while Aliyah sat down in the passenger seat with her boxers and pants on her knees. "Aren't you gonna put your clothes on?" I asked looking at her "no, I'm too lazy" she said and closed her eyes. My shirt weren't on as it should so my cleavage was on full expose. Aliyah saw it and that made her dick twitch. I felt myself cum a bit just by watching it.

It's been 5 hours and there's still like 5 hours left of the road trip. I can see Aliyah being bored as fuck. She looked down on my lap and putted her hand on my inner thigh. "Aliyah stop, you know I get wet very easily" I said. She smirked. She touched my pussy with 2 fingers and started rubbing my clit. Fuck.

Now we made it to where we're gonna be and we got out of my car. Aliyah walked over to her friends while I walked over to the other teachers "Ms. Eilish, you're finally here" one of the male teachers said "yeah, it was a little traffic" I said and he nodded. We started talking about a lot of stuff. After a while I felt vibrating in my panties. Shit!. I walked to the bathroom and saw a vibrator. It was stuck in my panties so I tried to take it out. Aliyah did this! I walked over to Aliyah "can we talk for a sec" I asked and she nodded "turn it off" I said sternly "why?" She asked and I said because we're in public so she turned it off.

Hours later we all ate dinner and had fun "you know Ms. Eilish, I'm actually not from here" one of my students said "okay, where are you from?" I asked "I don't know, my parents didn't tell me" he said. I nodded and continued eating and talking with my students. Aliyah were sitting next to me.

We all decided to go to the beach, so we did. Aliyah took me and pushed me in the water. I had clothes on so I started chasing her. Everyone were laughing at us and now I finally catch her throwing her in the water. Now everyone started chasing me again and I were running as fast as I could, but ofc I got defeated. They pushed me in the water and we all started fighting. I'm dying on the inside. I were laughing so hard I felt a leak. Oops. I'm under water so no one saw it. We all went back to the cabins and changed into new clothes. Aliyah came to my cabin and kissed me. I kissed her back. she started rubbing my clit making me moan in pleasure. "Billie, you're my girlfriend from now  on" she said and I smiled.

okay guys, hope you'll enjoy <3 new chapter coming later.

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