New math teacher

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Cash's POV:
Hey, I'm Cash and I live in LA California... it was Monday morning and I heard my alarm clock ring "BEEP BEEP BEEP" I opened my eyes and turned the alarm off, I went to the bathroom for taking a shower... I putted on some clothes and then I ran downstairs for some breakfast. I lived with my mom because dad left us and my mother hated him, she isn't the nicest person I know about. I ran over to my car and putted my bag inside and sat down and drove to school. I didn't have much friends, but I had one friend and his name is Sebastian. "Yooooo Caasshhhh!" I heard Sebastian yell "hey man!" I yelled back "you ready for first period?" Sebastian ask "wish I were" I said... we walked to our first period and that was English... I didn't pay attention at all though because our English teacher were trash "CASH!" I heard my English teacher yell "what?" "Answer question 225" she said looking serious "nahh I don't want to" and when I said that I could tell he got mad "you're having detention after class in Ms. O'Connell's classroom!" He yelled "I think Ms. O'Connell is the new math teacher" Sebastian said... after class I got to the math classroom and saw a sexy ass woman sitting at the teachers desk "you are Cash right?" She asked me softly "yah" I said back. I went to the back of the classroom until  I heard Ms. O'Connell say "Cash you're sitting here" and that was right in front of her. I gave her a death stare for a sec until she smiled. she started teaching and jeez she is SO hot... damn. "gosh I wish I could fuck that woman so damn hard" I whispered to myslef, but she still heard me... "would you like to say that a little louder maybe?" she said looking at me with a serious look. I shook my head and continued my work... or not really my work, but yeah. when I saw Billie bending down it gave me the biggest boner ever, I felt my dick pocking in my baggy shorts. "fuck! this is a bad place" Billie looked at me "what's wrong hun?" I  looked at her "nah I'm fine"  I said as I got up and ran out the door towards the bathroom... as I got in one of the stalls I locked it and pulled out my dick and started jerking off. I heard the bathroom door open "you sure you're fine Cash?" it was Ms.  O'Connell "yeah I'm good" I said "come back to the class now" she said with a calm voice "nah I'm fine thank you" I said to her "come back now" she commanded me "I got outside and showed her the finger "alright I get that you teenagers get turned on, but you can't just skip class" when she said that I got a little mad "FUCK YOU, YOU LITTLE JERK!" and when I said that I saw a tear run down her cheek "you've got detention after school today Cash" she said sadly and walked out.       

time skip

after school I was about to go home, but Ms. O' Connell stopped me "where are you going young man?" I rolled my eyes and tried to run away, but she grabbed my arm. "I think you shoud come with me" she said and I followed her to her classroom. she closed the door behind her and I sat down in the back off the classroom... Ms. O' Connell were sitting there and writing something on her laptop, all I did was to stare at her boobs. she saw it and just started at my boner "BRO STOP LOOKING MAN!!" I said madly "well then you can stop looking at my boobs then" she said seriously and looking at me. "whatever" whispered a little louder than I planned to. Billie got up and took a chair and sat down beside me "why are you being so rude Cash?" she asked "because you don't let me finish my work!" I said being mad "well you're not supposed to jerk off in school" she said looking at me "WELL WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IT THEN HUH!? AT YOUR HOUSE MAYBE!?" I said madly and she smirked "sounds good to me" she said and walked over to her desk. I was sitting there in shock didn't know what to say. I didn't even realize it had been some hours since she told me that "hey Cash! times up you're dismissed" she said and I snapped out of my thoughts. "so are we going to your place?" I asked and she just looked at me "I mean we can if you want to, but you won't jerk off in front of my dogs or me" when she said that I laughed a bit, but got serious again and nodded. I could tell she actually wanted to see it, but I guess she just didn't want me to know. we got into her car and I said "why are you lying to me?" she looked at me confused "I don't understand" she said looking back at the road "you wanna see my dick don't you?" I asked and she blushed "I-umm I don't" she said trying to hide herself as much as possible "don't lie Ms. O' Connell, I can tell you want to" I said smiling at her. she pulled to the side and stared at me "don't you dare tell anyone about this" before I got to say anything I felt her lips on mine. she kissed me! I am so happy about it! she pulled away and looked at her feet and didn't say a word. 

Billie's POV:

I kissed Cash and I loved it!! I've been wanting this since the first time I saw him! Cash pulled me back for one more kiss and that felt really good again! wish this kiss could last forever, but it won't. in the middle of the kiss I felt something touch my pussy, I looked down seeing him rubbing my pussy. I let out a soft quiet moan and I think he liked that because he opened my pants and started rubbing my clit outside of my thong. I moaned again I couldn't feel any better than this! holy shit!! I moaned a lot because it felt so fucking good! damn... he started rubbing me under my thong and that made me moan much louder, he sucked my neck and left some marks. I think I'm simping for Cash and I love him to death!

I'm out of i deas for this chapter so the next one I thought maybe it would be better if it were gxg. hope you like it <3

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