students pet

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robin's POV:

I was talking with my friends until the hottest teacher came up to me and told me to come with her. her name is Ms. Eilish and she has to take me to her office all the time because I'm a problem. "why did you break the window hun?" she asked with a soft pretty tone "I was bored and wanted to do something funny" I said, "you shouldn't do that, you'll get in more trouble" she said taking her coat off. when she did so my fellow friend down there wanted to say hi. her boobs about to spill out her bra, that made me harder. you see, I'm born with a dick. my parents didn't know what to call me so they thought Robin would be great. I couldn't stop looking at her boobs because their so pretty. "eye's up here sweetie" she said and I got embarrassed. she laughed a bit after seeing my face red as a tomato. now my dick was poking through my sweats. "damn it" I said quietly "what's the matter?" she asked looking at me. "nothing Ms. Eilish" I said with a smile on my face.

Billie's POV:

I was sitting in my office with my student as you probably know. she keeps staring at my boobs and when she does that she covers her crotch, but why. she took her hands away and I saw a huge bulge, my eyes widen.

is that what I think it is, omg I think I'm wet

I couldn't focus, I thought about Robin fucking the shit out of me and call me babygirl. I would beg her for that, I've always had a little crush on Robin. I don't think she likes me back though, but maybe she does? she keeps staring at me all the time. "okay sweetie, you're dismissed" I said and she nodded. "before you go, relax with your cock because you really can't keep it to yourself" I said smiling at her. all she did was to groan and that made me laugh. "wait, how did you know I had a dick??" she asked me with a shock "because it was very obvious" I said and she just left my office. I felt the urge to touch myself, but I won't because I'm at work. I took one finger in my underwear and felt how wet I was. "damn I've never been this wet before" I said taking a breath.

it was now tuesday and I was on my way to work, I saw Robin walking to school. it's way to far for her to walk. I stopped my car in front of her, she ran towards the door and jumped right in. "hi Robin, walking today?" I asked and she nodded. she seems so exhausted. "something wrong hun? you seem so exhausted" I said with a worried look "just tired of walking, but it's alright though cause I walk every day" she said smiling at me. I nodded and began driving. I saw her staring and I saw her boner. I crossed my legs as fast as possible, "nuh uh open your legs" she said in a dominant voice. I did as told and she smirked. I felt her hand on my thigh pulling my skirt up. then I felt her hand on my inner thigh coming closer to my heat. "my breath got heavier and I couldn't focus. suddenly I felt one of her fingers rubbing my swollen clit. "fuck" I moaned quietly. I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes backwards, now she rubbed harder and I really couldn't focus. I had to pull over. she smirked even more and this time she puttet a finger inside of me. "damn it" I moaned and she heard it. "hmm, my babygirl is feeling good isn't she" she said smirking "yes daddy" I said trying to open my eyes, but it was impossible. she did it faster and faster, I moaned louder and louder. I can't take this anymore, I need her dick. "please" I begged "please what" she said "I-I need yo- your dick" I said. she smirked and pulled me on her lap, I rested my head in her neck sucking it. she pulled her dick out taking my thong off. then I felt her cock sliding in, this time I moaned so loud it felt like the whole world heard it. she started pumping in and out, I couldn't stop moaning feeling her dick hit my g-spot several times. this feels to good to stop. you could say that I was my students pet, she feels to good.

we both know I won't be able to walk so we just called off, I don't think Robin wants to go to school anyways. when we were done with everything I was tired like hell, I couldn't do anything, but sit in her lap. I tried to move, but it hurts to much. I was too tired to move, she helped me over to the back of the car and sat me down. I quickly fell asleep, after a while I woke up in a strangers bed. I realize it was Robin's bed, her bed was so comfortable and so was her pillows and covers. she came in the door and saw me "hey, how are you mama's?" she asked and came towards me "I'm good thank you" I said with a smile on my face. she sat down next to me and I putted my head on her lap. she stoke my hair with her hands. I love her so much, she's the love of my life. I felt her dick twitch and that just made me smile, she's so adorable and sexy. she took my hand and held it in hers. I just wanted to stay in her arms and lap forever. "Billie, I've had a crush on you for so long you know that?" she said and I just smiled "well, I feel the same way" I said and kissed her hand. I saw her smiling at me and I smiled back, she's so damn adorable.

me and Robin have been dating for a while now and I've been fired and she's been kicked out of school, we don't care though because we love each other. we've been thinking on going on a vacation together, and of course we're going. we're leaving tomorrow, this is gonna be romantic. she's a lot younger than me, but who cares. she's 18 and I'm 21, she's not a minor anymore. that's good. she keeps following me everywhere I go because she wants to help me pack, she is done packing her own stuff so now she wants to help me. I'm almost done packing my stuff now and she keeps telling me to rest, but I tell her to relax herself. "this is an order, go take a break" she said lifting me up throwing me on the couch. I quickly fell asleep and slept for hours.

thank you for readinngggg<3

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