English teacher

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Aliya's POV:
I was sitting in front of the classroom watching Ms. Eilish as she walks to her desk. Her hips swaying. She's wearing a black mini skirt, white shirt and a sexy black coat. I think she noticed me staring at her because she came over to my desk bending over my desk. Her boobs about to fall out off her bra and shirt. "Staring at me Aliya? That isn't very nice is it?" She asked in a sexy ass voice "I-I'm s-sorry Ms. Eilish" I said and she nodded walking away. Ms. Eilish was my crush, she's been my crush since I started in this school. She doesn't like me back I guess. "Hey Ms. Eilish, wanna fuck?" One of the fuck boys in my school asked her "SHUT THE FUCK UP DANIEL!" I yelled at him "side eye" he said and I looked over at him "Aliya's in her mad era" Daniel said as he tried to be cool "keeping annoying, I'm gonna throw you out the window" I said and he didn't say a damn thing. Ms. Eilish was just looking at us. I think she wanted us to be quiet, so we did.

The bell rang and I was about to leave the classroom, but Ms. Eilish stopped me. "Stay here with me Aliya, I need to have a word" she said and I nodded "come sit by my desk Aliya" she said and I did so. When I sat down I felt her staring at me "staring at me Ms. Eilish? that isn't very nice is it?" I said teasing her... "w-what I- I didn't stare!" She said looking away "liar!" I said and laughed.
A while later I saw her boobs about to fall out of her shirt... but I didn't say anything because if they did I would like to watch it. And minutes later one of her boobs did fall out and that made me so horny "uhm Ms. Eilish your boob" I said and she looked down and saw it. I could see her getting embarrassed. She tried to hide her face in her arms.

I was about to walk home until there came the worse teacher in school "Aliya, you have detention!" She yelled at me "I haven't done anything!" I yelled back. She took my arm and dragged me with her. She pushed me in a classroom and it turns out it's Ms. Eilish's classroom. "Hi Aliya, I didn't know you had detention today" she said looking directly at me "okay, bad for you" I said in an attitude "watch your language young lady" she said and I just rolled my eyes. A while later she came up to me without her coat and her shirt a little more open, you could see her cleavage more than before. She sat down next to me with her legs wide open... I could literally see her underwear. "Wanna tell me why you're staring at my boobs and pussy?" She asked and I looked away immediately "just tell me babygirl" she said walking behind he with her hands on my back. I froze. "Are you scared maybe?" She asked leaning in biting my ear carefully. I felt my dick get rock hard, forming a bulge in my pants. "If you won't tell me I guess I have to make you tell me" she said and the started kissing my neck. I felt her hand go down to my bulge and unbuttoning my pants... now she sneak one of her hands in my boxers grabbing my dick. "The reason why I was staring is because you have a wet spot on your underwear" I said, she blushed and let go off me.

"FUCKKKK" I yelled opening my eyes, seriously! Was this just a dream?! "You okay darling?" I heard Ms. Eilish ask "yeah, I just fell asleep and had a dream" I said to her smiling, she just nodded. I looked down and saw I do have a boner, did we actually do something? "Ms. Eilish, have we done something?" I asked "like what hun?" She asked with a lovely voice "nvm" I said and she frowned her eyebrows. "Billie have I seen your boobs?" I asked and her eyes widen "excuse me?" She asked "have I seen your boobs?" She shakes her head... "do you want to see them?" She asked and my eyes widen "I DO!" I yelled and she got shocked... "I'm not going to show them to you, it was just a question hun" she said smiling... I groaned. A while later I felt something hit me in the face, some small things... it was buttons. "SHIT!" I heard Ms. Eilish tell to herself. I looked up seeing her pissed. I looked down seeing her cleavage showing much more than before. The buttons was from her shirt! "What Ms. Eilish? Something wrong?" I asked carefully "just my shirt, my buttons flew off now almost exposing my cleavage more than it should" she said with her head in her hands "well you can already see a lot of it" I said looking right at her pretty boobs.

The next morning I was walking to school, now poring with rain... my clothes are soaked, great! On the way I suddenly heard a car pulling over. It's a mat black dodge challenger. The driver opened the window and said "you must me freezing, hop in" it turned out to be Ms. Eilish so I happily got in her car. "Walking today?" She asked and I nodded. I looked at her outfit and it was the same as yesterday. I looked down at her legs, she was crossing them again. When I looked at her shirt it was the same as yesterday, it was showing her perfect cleavage. I felt her staring at me and then she looked down and her eyes widen, I looked at her and she crossed her legs even more "it's not nice to stare Ms. Eilish, is it?" I said and she quickly looked away. I saw her blushing.

Billie stop that! Stop getting so fucking wet! You know damn well Aliya is your student

Ms. Eilish said something to herself, but I didn't hear what she said. We were stuck in traffic, so we both knew we were gonna be late for work and school. "Ms. Eilish, did you say you were wet because of me?" I asked nervously "what? No ofc not hun" she said and I could tell she was lying... "why are you lying to me Ms. Eilish?" I asked and she looked at me "lying? About what?" She asked being nervous "you know damn well what I'm talking about" I said seriously. All she did was to look away and say nothing, "I'm not lying" I heard her whisper and I nodded. She looked away again and focused on the road, she stopped crossing her legs because she had to start driving. I knew she was wet, but she said she weren't so I decided to prove it to her. I slowly took my hand down to her pussy and touched it, she froze and her eyes widen. "You lied to me" I said looking directly at her "I- I'm sor- ry" she said still being in shock. I started at her, but she just focused on the road. I slid her thong to the side and started rubbing her clit, she tried not to moan, but she let out a little quiet moan. That made me rock hard. I could tell she was struggling with focusing on the road, but I have a damn fuck. I started rubbing a little harder and faster and she moaned again "fuck" she moaned quietly... "tell me if you're wet or not" I said "I-I'm not" she said trying to moan "tell me the truth or I'll do it even faster and harder" I said sternly "I'm not we- I cut her off my pulling two fingers inside of her vagina "damn it!" She moaned a little louder... "tell me" I said and she swallowed her Silva "fine! I'm wet!" She said madly "tell me more, you're not just wet" I said looking at her forcing her to tell me the truth "I'm uhh, I'm- I cut her off again by pumping in and out her vagina "you're what?" I asked teasing her "h- horny" she moaned. I could tell she was close so I did it faster, she melted in the car seat and didn't have a chance to focus on the road at all so she pulled over. I knew she was enjoying it so I stopped "what the fuck?! why did you do that?" she asked madly "because school is important" I said smirking. she started the car and drove to school, she looked at me for a moment "I'm not letting you go to class before you finish what you started" she said sternly. I looked at her and was about to open the door, but she locked it. "what the fuck Ms. Eilish?" I said and she took my hand and placed it in her pussy. I started pumping my fingers in and out of her vagina and I could tell she liked it. I felt her cuming all over my fingers and then I stopped. she grabbed my face a kissed my lips and let go "see you in class" she whispered and I nodded.

hey guys! hope you liked this chapter, because I did:) please vote and comment

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