new school...

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Cash's POV:

I woke up by my alarm clock and got out of bed, I was starting on a new school because I got expelled in my old school. I always used to break the rules when I was bored, but this time I promised my dad I wouldn't. my mom passed away two years ago and my dad can't handle our old house so we moved to Los Angeles instead, this place was much better than Texas anyways. it looked a lot prettier and the school seemed very very big inside. I went downstairs for making myself some breakfast and weent back upstairs for taking a shower and dressed up. when I was done with everything I went to school, I looked up at the building and thought this school was gonna be a living hell. my teacher were probably gonna be so stright and bad, I guess I will get treated bad by the teacher. I went inside and I've never seen a so beautiful school before, the inside looked like a paradise. maybe this place weren't gonna be that bad, when I got inside I got the attention from all the girls... I tried to hide my face because I hate it when I get attention from everyone. I heard the bell ring so I ran over to the classroom and sat down in the back of the classroom. the other students came in and looked over to me, some of them showed me the finger like I've done anything to them. I showed them the finger back and they came over to me "you show that finger to us again you're dead" I started laughing when he said that "nahhh, you're the one who's dead" I said and pushed him away. he stared at me until the teacher came in. jeez she was hot! "good morning class" she said with a smile on her face, I was staring at her because she was the hottest person I've ever seen. "oh by the way, we have a new student today" she said smiling "wanna come up here Cash?" she asked me, but I shook my head. she nodded and started teaching "aww the new boy is scared huh?" one of the boys in class said "not as much as you at least" when I said that he just looked away. "YOU KNOW WHAT CASH! YOU SHOULD BE SCARED BECAUSE I'M HELLA STRONG" he yelled at me and walked fast towards me. I raised up and grabbed his shirt  "okay... did I ask" I said and pushed him away. "YOU'RE SO DEAD CASH!" he yelled at me "MATTHEW GET BACK TO YOUR SEAT" Billie yelled... he went  back to his seat and sat down. Billie came over to me while the others continued on their work "are you alright boy?" she asked me "yeah I'm good" I said smiling at her pretty face. she smiled back and went back to her desk, I looked at her all the time. when it was lunch I ate all by myself. there was a girl who came up to me and said "go out with me daddy" and I shook my head. she walked away like a cry baby and that made me laugh. after lunch I went back to class, but before I got to sit down Billie came over to me and told me to come with her "am I in trouble?" I asked "you'll see" she said and smiled at me. when we got to her office I saw the girl who asked me out sitting and crying in her office "can you explain why she's crying?" Billie asked me and looked at me with a serious face "she asked me out and I said no..." Billie still looked at me with a serious face "he kicked me too!" she yelled "woah that's not true! stop lying!" I yelled at her and that made her cry even more "Cash can you tell me more about what happened?" when she asked that I got a little mad "I'VE ALREADY TOLD YOU" I yelled and walked out of her office closing the door with a big bang. Billie  ran after me and took my hand "come back and we can talk about this" I shook my head and walked over to the classroom where no one was. I heard the door open and it was Billie "Ms. Eilish what do you want?" she walked over to me and sat down on a chair beside me "I want you" before I got to say anything she smashed her lips on mine. I was in shock for a minute, but I kissed back though. her lips were perfect! those are the best lips I've ever kissed before! her lips are the best. she pulled away, but I pulled her back to me again and kissed her, we started making out and that was the best. "THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY INTIRE LIFE BRO!!!" I thought to myself. she took her hands around my neck and I took my hands on her waist. while we were making out I heard a loud little kid singing a weird song with the worst voice ever. I broke down in laughter in the middle of the middle of the make out session. gosh I was laughing so much I fell down on the floor. Billie was very confused I think. I tried to get up, but I were laughing to much. I got a lot weaker when I was laughing, I guess everyone gets weaker when they laugh. Billie just looked at me and smiled "you okay down there?" she asked with a little laugh "no" I said laughing. she saw me struggling with getting up so she reached me her hand, I grabbed it and got up. I was still laughing so I fell on top of her, we both fell to the ground and that made her laugh too. 

Billie's POV:

it had been some days since we kissed and now we've been kissing a lot lately. I believe we're kind of a couple, when he's in class and I'm teaching him and the rest of the students I see him trying to annoy me. I got a message from him it says "would you like to be my girlfriend?" and that made me smile like hell.  I answered him with this "YES!!" and I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day. I'm finally Cash's girlfriend!! I can't believe it! next morning I went back to work and I saw all my great students. while I was teaching I saw Cash texting someone on his computer and I guess it was Alex because they're best friends... and I saw Alex texting someone too so I guess I was right. a while  later I saw them both laughing quietly, they both were trying to keep it in, but they failed. "boy's what's going on?" they looked at me "nothing Ms. Eilish" Cash said trying not to laugh. Alex fell of his chair and that made them laugh even more, and the rest of the class were laughing too. "class dismissed" I said and  that made them so happy, they all ran out except Cash and Alex because they were struggling with getting up. Cash had his backpack on his back trying to crawl out. he almost reached the door, but I closed it. "Cash you'll stay for a moment and Alex you're dismissed" when I said that Alex ran, but fell on top of Cash. they were laughing even more, Alex got up and pulled Cash with him without me noticing. "Cash get back" I said, but I didn't find him. I heard laughing in the hallway seeing only Cash laying on the floor, but Alex weren't there. "calm down Cash" I said while I were stroke him in the hair. he stopped laughing  after a while and finally got serious again, he was about to leave until I stopped him. "you ain't dismissed yet young man" I said and he turned around "I haven't done anything Ms. Eilish" he said looking at me "I want you to call me Billie and not Ms. Eilish" he nodded his head and run over to me. he took my hand and we walked back to the classroom. "what is it?" he asked me looking at me "I missed you Cash" I said looking down at my work. "but I haven't done anything" he said smiling "I didn't say that baby" he looked at me with an evil face "what's it?" I asked him nicely "undress yourself" he said pulling his teddy up. it was Chase from Paw Patrol. "not here Cash" when I said that he hugged his teddy. "alright Cash, I'll do it" when I said that he looked at me with a big smile. he looked at his little teddy again and whispered something in the ear of his teddy. I  started undressing myself.  first I pulled my pants off and then my shirt. he was still talking to his teddy, but I didn't know what they were talking about. I saw him taking out his wond, but before he got to do a spell I said "Exspelliarmus" and his wond flew right out of his hand. "hey why did you do that?!" he asked me with a little annoyed and mad voice "because I never gave you a permission to take it out" I said and he didn't look very happy. he haven't looked at me at all so he didn't know I was almost naked. I went over to the door and locked it. I took off my bra and sat down on my desk. before I were gonna take my thong off I wanted him to see me like this first. he looked up and saw me like this, I didn't notice because I had to check something on my phone. I hear Cash coming towards me, but I couldn't look up because this was very important. I felt him take his hand down my boobs and down to my pussy. I was wearing a thong so I weren't naked down there, but he took it off. he looked at my pussy for a while with widen eyes. once he were done staring he touched me which means he touched my pussy. he started rubbing my clit and  you have no idea how good it felt. I let out some small moans and I think he liked it, I let my head fall back. he did it a  little faster and faster, my moans got louder and louder. we were very lucky because we were the only one left at the school. he took my feets over his shoulder and after that he putted his two fingers inside me. he started moving them in and out, that was the best pleasure I've ever felt. all I wanted now was to get fucked by him, but I knew we couldn't because it wasn't legal. hhe did it anyways though because I felt his cock inside me and it felt so fucking good. I started moaning very loud when he were fucking me and gosh, this sex was the best! when I was feeling hiis cock hit my g-spot II screamed in pleasure and I came all over his dick and balls. when we were done with our sex he got dressed and so did I "fuck that was great" I said trying to catch my breath back. Cash nodded and just leaned onto me, I took my hand around his waist and kissed his neck. he took his hand  under my pants and held my butt, I gotta say I really liked it. my pussy was full of cum and that's because of Cash. we decided to go to my house and just chill and have a great time together. 

alright guys! I wanted to make another chapter in this book and I think I'm gonna write more chapters, but it won't be the same as this one:) please vote and comment<3 

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