Happy start of life

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Billie and Alex was married now and they used to make out a lot and have a lot fun in bed, but what they didn't do was to do it every night. Almost every night, Billie and Alex was about to  go to the store, but that changed because they started making out in the car and that lead to something more than just that. Alex fucked Billie so heard she was screaming in pain, but Alex did it harder and harder. Billie got fucked so hard she screamed even louder and she screamed louder than louder when she felt herself coming all over Alex's dick. "Babe I am so so sorry!" Billie said to her wife "sorry for what?? It's nothing to say sorry for" she said looking at Billie with a smile, Billie smiled back and kissed her lips. Billie and Alex dressed up again and Billie started her car. when they got to the stor Alex saw a huge area where they sell beds, she fell in love. there was that one bed which was the biggest bed she have eveer seen, she walked over to it and jumped into it. Billie saw Alex jumping into the bed and that made her laugh a little "I see you found a nice bed" Billie said laughing "CAN WE BUY IT?!" Alex asked Billie exiting.  Billie looked at Alex "no sweetie not today" Alex got 'mad' and gave Billie the puppy eyes, Billie tried to have no as the answer but she couldn't say no. "ahh fine" she said annoyed Alex took her hand and dragged Billie right down to the bed and hugged her tight. 

when they got back home they were both exhausted, Finneas fixed their new bed and tried it. "y'all the bed is great" he looked at him smiling "we know" they both said at the same time. "gosh you two girls are some gangsters jeeze" Finneas said and that made them laugh. Many hours later Billie got sleepy and decided to go to bed. "alright I'm going to bed, there's a big day tomorrow" Billie said looking at Alex "alright mommy sweet dreams, I ain't going to bed yet" when Alex said she weren't going to bed yet Billie looked at her disapointed at Alex and that made Alex feel bad. Alex smiled at Billie and took her hand and dragged her to bed and that made Billie laugh.

months later Billie and Alex decided to have a baby so they did what they had to. Some days later Billie started getting morning sickness and they both knew what it was and what to do. Billie went to the bathroom and took a pregnancy test "I'm pregnant omg!" Billie yelled in happieness with the biggest smile on her face. she went to the livingroom and told Alex about it, Alex gave Billie the biggest hug ever. Billie and Alex was so exited about it and they both couldn't wait. Billie and Alex was on a store and on the stor they met two men, the two men started talking to them "hey girls" Alex and Billie turned around "hey, is there something wrong?" Billie asked the two men. "yes there is ma'am" Alex saw the evil look on their faces "babe lets go we shouldn't hang around with those two" Alex said to Billie worried. Billie looked at Alex and nodded "we've got to go sir, it was nice to meet you" Billie said looking at the two creepy mens "yeah no you're not going anywhere beautiful" he said and grabben Billie's hand "don't touch me!" Billie said to one of the tall men, when she said that she made them mad. they got so mad they pushed Billie into the wall "YOU DON'T DECIDE IF I'M GONNA TOUCH YOUR BODY OR NOT BABYGIRL" one of them yelled at Billie. Alex tried to stop them, but they were to strong. one of them started touching Billie on her boobs and pussy "please stop" she begged them crying, Alex got enough and ran over to a police man and showed him the way. when they got there they couldn't see Billie or the two men "where is my baby??" Alex asked in pain tearing up. Alex looked all over the store and after looking for a while they heard the two men talking. she opened the door and saw them both fucking Billie while she was passed out "HEY BOTH OF YOU STOP THAT!!!" the police man yelled, they didn't stop until the police man took his gun up. Alex ran over to Billie and dressed her up, she took Billie in her lap and she was sitting there with Billie all passed out. Hours later Billie woke up by a scream "it's okay Billie I'm right here" Billie looked at Alex. "what happened to me?" Alex looked at Billie "we can take that later mama's" Billie nodded her head no "alright fine, we were at the store and there was two  creepy men and they pushed you into the wall started touching you and I went for a police man because they were to strong for me to beat them up, then you were gone and we didn't find you until we heard their voices and when we opened the door they were raping you, you weree passed out" Billie looked down tearing up. "it's okay now baby you're safe" Alex took her in her arms, Billie started crying. the news were on and then the news came up with "earlier today Billie Eilish got raped by two big tall men in wallmart, the two men are now arrested and will go through a death row" Maggie were also watching the news and when she heard that she immediately went to Billie's  house. Billie was sleeping in her bed after what happened, Maggie ran inside "where is my beautiful daughter??" Maggie asked Alex  worried "she is in her bedroom sleeping" Alex told Maggie. Maggie ran over to Billie in her bedroom and sat down on the side of her, she stroke Billie through her hair "I'm so so sorry for what happened baby, you don't deserve that" Maggie said "I'm fine now mom" Billie said to Maggie and that made Maggie smile. Finneas and Claudia rushed through the door and ran over too Billie "is she okey mom??" Finneas asked Maggie worried "yes she is, she told me she was okay" Finneas and Claudia smiled at her, but she was sleeping. After an hour her dad rushed through the door and went right to where Billie was "gosh how is my daughter?" he asked and went straight over to her, "she is okay dad and it seems like she's asleep" Finneas said. "we should give her some time guys" Finneas said and they went to the livingroom to let Billie sleep.

wow guys! what happens next?? hope she actually is okay! love y'all<3 please vote and comment!<3

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