she fell for a girl

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alright guys this will be a new start on a teacher x student, but this time it'll be gxg! hope you enjoy<3

Billie went to work early in the morning and she were teaching a new class because the other class waas bullying her and they were making fun of her. When she entered the classroom she saw many students and they all looked at her with a smile. "Hey guys, I will be teaching you from now on" she smiled at them when she said that and her students clapped their hands for her. Billie smiled when that happen and she told them to stop, but they didn't.

Billie's POV:

After a while of teaching them there was that one girl who raised her hand for help, I walked over to her and she said "you're so pretty Billie" when she said that to me I blushed "what's your name darling?" She smiled at me "my name is Alex" "your name is so pretty, my name is Billie" I said to her. Alex smiled at me and I smiled at her. After class I was sitting at my desk and Alex was still there, she looked over at me and smiled. "hey Billie, can you help me with something?" when she said that I walked over to her "yes sweetie ofc" she smiled at me and that's when I realized that I really liked her. Alex got my help and than I went to my office and she went home. Next day I was sitting in my office and than I heard my door opening, I looked towards the door and saw Alex. Alex came towards me and I looked over to her, when she got over to me she pushed me back in the chair. I was confused til she smashed her lips on mine, the kiss was getting steamy. She touched my boobs and that immediately turned me on, she sat on my lap and we was making out. All I wanted right now was her to fuck me, she moved her hand down to my inner thigh and that made me let out a quiet soft moan.

Alex's POV:
Billie moaned when I touched her inner thigh and that made me wanna fuck her for a little "let's make this quick Billie" when I said that her eyebrows widen, I took her shirt off and then my shirt. I was kinda scared because I had a dick and I was a girl at the same time, I was scared for what she is going to think about it. I took her pants off and then her bra, she took my pants off and widen her eyes when she saw it. "I know it's bad and also hella embarrassing" she looked at me "it's okay, I don't really care" Billie smiled at me when she said that. I blushed by it and she took my boxer and bra off and I took her underwear off. I then putted my cock inside her and that made her let out a little moan, you could see she liked it. Billie is my fucking teacher and I'm having sex with her atm, but I didn't mind though because I really liked it. After a while of having sex we both heard the bell ring so we both got dressed and I ran to the classroom before her. Billie came up to me and told me to come with her, when we got in a room she held up a bra in her hand and I saw it was mine. "thanks" she smiled at me "no problem sweetie" she gave it to me and left the room so I could change alone without she seing my body, but she already know how my body looks like naked... whatever. I came back in the classroom seing her sitting at her desk and the other students were sitting and having a little test. I just sat down and saw the test on my desk, but i refused to do it because it looked boring. "FUCK I FORGOT A CONDOM!!!" I screamed inside myself. Billie looked at me and saw that something was wrong, she came over to me and asked me "is something wrong Alex" when she asked that my stomach got a nasty burn and I felt really sorry for her. "yeah no I'm good" she looked at me still worried and nodded her head. After school I went oover to Billie's desk when everyone else had left the classroom so it was only me and Billie "Billie there is something I've got to tell you" she looked at me "tell me sweetie" she said to me in a sweet tone "please don't get mad at me though" she nodded her head as a promise and I told her "I forgot a condom Bil" I looked down at my feet and she just looked at me "oh well... that's okay" she said and smiled at me... I hugged her hard and she hugged me back and kissed my forehead. She smelled perfect and her smile was perfect.

Billie's POV:
When Alex told me she forgot a condom I got an idea for not getting pregnant I decided to take a
morning-after pill. I was about to go home until I felt like someone following me, I looked behind me. I didn't see a soul, but I could hear something. When I got up to my car there was someone taking my hand, it was a little kid. "Hi you there!" I said to the kid "hi, I'm lost and I can't find my aunt" he looked at me "who's your aunt then? What's her name darling?" I had to bend down to his level because it looked like he was a 7 year old kid "my aunties name is Alex" I looked at him and the name went straight to my students name. "WHERE ARE YOU HENRY???" I heard a familiar voice scream from the other side of the parking lot. "AUNTIIEEE" the kid screamed over to the person. She came towards us and then I saw her... "ALEX HAS A NIECE?!" I thought to myself "oh Billie hi" she said to me with a smile on her face, that smile made me melt "hi Alex" she looked at me and I looked at her. We held the eye contact for a while until her niece interrupted us "hello?? Are you guys okay" he said to us "oh umm... I better get home before my dog starve" I said and sat in the car, "Billie wait!" I heard Alex say from the other side. She sat down in the passenger seat and looked at me "why can't you just stay?" She looked at me with her puppy eyes, before I answered her I kissed her lips "I'm sorry darling I can't" Alex looked very disappointed, but she still kissed me. We started making out and she was about to take my coat off, but I stopped her "Alex your niece is right here waiting for you" she looked at me and nodded her head "we'll do this later okay Alex?" She smiled at me "ofc mamas" I smiled back and started the car. When I got home I got a message from Alex.When I was done texting Alex's niece I went to bed, but couldn't sleep because of thinking about when I made out with Alex.

On the next Monday I went back to work and I saw Alex too, she was starring at me all the time. I saw her raising her hand "Alex what can I help you with?" She looked straight at me, she was about to kiss me, but I quickly pushed her away "Alex we're in the middle of the classroom!" I whispered to her. She looked mad and that just made me feel bad, I kissed her lip so fast no one could see it. I saw the smile on her face when I did that. I was sitting by my desk and saw Alex hold a ring in her hand, it looked like an engagement ring. That made me kinda scared, she closed her box and putted it back in her pocket. I wonder why she has one.

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