the end

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Many weeks after Billie got raped by the two guys, she was much happier now because they were both very very happy with each other. Billie used to hide from her because she loved teasing her and she hated it when Billie was hiding drom Alex "BILLIE WHERE ARE YOU?!" Alex yelled at Billie annoyed, Alex heard giggling from one of the kitchen cabinets. "Billliiieee come with me now, I need you to join me in beeeeddd"  Alex said in a flirting voice, Billie smiled and jumped out of the cabinet. "YES!" Billie said with a huge smile on her face "no Billie that won't happen right now" when Alex said that Billie's smile disappeared "why?" Billie asked Alex disapointed "because you know I hate it when you're  hiding from me so that's why you don't get that right now" Alex said annoyed and walked back to the livingroom. Billie was still in the kitchen and just standing there "she tricked me..." Billie said a little sad. Billie walked towards the front door with shark and got out, she didn't tell Alex because she was mad she tricked her. "come shark let's go for a hike!" Billie said being exited. Billie opened the gate and Alex heard it "BILLIE YOU'RE NOT GOING OUT THERE ALONE!!!" she heard Alex yell "yes I can,, I'm an adult" Billie said annoyed. Alex could see Billie was hurt "I'm sorry Billie I shouldn't have said that to you" Alex said sadly pulling her into a hug, shark got jealous so he jumped on them "okay okay fine shark" Alex said and pulled him into a hug too. Billie smiled and saw Alex being happy "Billie don't just  stand there join us!" Alex told Billie and dragged her down. they all was cuddling on the groand and Billie closed the gate. "Billie come with me" Alex looked at Billie "okay I'll me right with you" Billie said with a smile. Alex dragged her to their bedroom Billie was confused "what's going on" Alex was sitting in the bed "Billie can't you understand I wanna cuddle" Billie smiled when she said that. Billie jumped right at Alex and kissed her on the lip. 

Alex and Billie was making out and Alex touched Billie on the breasts "Billie did you know that you have boobs?" Alex asked Billie laughing "OMG WHAT?! I'M SO SHOCKED I DIDN'T KNOW" Billie said for fun. Alex took her feet over Billie's legs and kissed her neck. Billie let out a small moan and Alex started laughing "WHAT?! WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!" Alex looked at Billie and made a funny face "Billie I want to go to Las Vegas" Alex told Billie "then let's go" Billie said with a smile on her face. Alex hugged Billie very very tight and Billie started laughing. Alex got out of bed and dragged Billie to the suitcases, they both started packing up and putted it in Billie's car. "can I sit on your lap while you're driving mommy?" Alex asked Billie "no no no are you crazy" Billie said. Alex started laughing and kissed Billie on the lips. Billie sat down in the driver seat and Alex in the passenger seat "why are you sitting there didn't you want to sit on my lap?" Alex widen her eyes when Billie said that "BILLIE YOU ARE CRAZY!" Alex said exited. Billie started laughing and Alex went over to her side and sat down on her lap, they took the seat belt on and Billie started the car. Alex leaned back with her head resting on the seat so Billie could see where she was driving. the windows was so dark you couldn't see through them. Billie had been driving in many hours and now they finally got to Las Vegas. Billie and Alex found a hotel and got a huge hotelroom. It was like an apartment with two bathrooms three bedrooms 4 livingrooms and one kitchen "gosh I didn't expect all this..." Billie and Alex said at the same time. Billie started laughing and so did Alex. they chose the master bedroom with a huge bed. Alex pushed Billie into the bed Billie dragged Alex with her and they both were laying in the bed and flirting. Billie kissed Alex on the lips and that kiss got over to making out, Billie and Alex were making out for a while until they heard knocking on the door "I can open it" Alex said with a smile. when she reached the door she got a little shock "IS BILLIE EILISH HERE?!" many girls asked with their phones filming "uhhh I'm sorry, but you have to leave" Alex told all the stalkers "OMG GUYS IT'S BILLIEEEEEE" the stalkers screamed. Billie passed bye when she heard that so she walked over to Alex and all the other stalkers "OMG BILLIE HIIIII" the stalkers screamed at her "hi" she said and walked away agin because she was very exhausted. Billie went right back to the bedroom and jumped right into the bed, Alex came in and saw Billie sleeping. Alex layed down on the bed with Billie cuddling up to her. 

guuyyyyssssss!!!!  this  book is finished now, but maybe JUST MAYBE I can make a nr.2 of this book:) hope y'all enjoyed it love y'all<3

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