watch out boy

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Josh's POV:

Billie always looked so fine and I was drawing her body exactly how it looked like with clothes, but I drew it naked guessing how it looked like naked. I wonder if I ever get to see her naked or not? Maybe, maybe not. Billie walked inside the classroom and today she was wearing black tight jeans, a black shirt and a black coat. Fuck she's hot! Billie looked over to me and we made eye contact, but she soon broke it. My plan was to stay after class and just sit in the classroom, I'm not a nerd I just have a little plan. After school I was sitting in the classroom and saw Billie walking in, she sat down on her desk and I walked towards her "hey Josh you're here again" she said with a happy voice "you're single right?" I asked "yeah why is that?" She looked suspicious at me and my answer was smashing my lips on hers. I knew she got in shock, but it was worth it.

Billie's POV:
Josh smashed his lips on mine and I got in pretty much shock, I didn't know what to do. All I did was kissing him back, to be honest the kiss really felt good. After a little we started making out and while we were making out Josh putted his hands on my breasts. I let out a soft quiet moan when he moved his hand down to my clit, he started rubbing it and it really felt good. I started to moan and he's dick hot hard as fuck. "MMM FUCK" I moaned out loud, his dick started pocking my pussy because it was so hard and huge. you could see it through his pants that it was big,  when he noticed he had a huge boner touching  my pussy he quickly pulled away. I looked down at the floor and realized I was very horny and wet, I just wanted to fuck him but I  know i couldn't since he's my student. I knew he wanted the same, but I just can't make that happen. It had gone some days and I haven't seen Josh in many days, I'm starting to get worried for him. In the lunch break Josh came to school, but I could almost not see his face. He tried to hide it and it seemed like he didn't want me to see it, I got worried again. He was also hiding his hands, I came up to him and sat down with him. "Josh is everything okay?" He didn't answer me until he looked in my eyes and understood I was very worried "it's nothing, don't worry" I could see in his eyes that he was lying "stop lying to me, tell me what's going on" I told him. He just walked away and then I followed him, I stopped him when he was about to walk out of the classroom and I kissed his lips. He kissed me back and he took his big hands on my butt, I carefully took his hoodie off so I could see his face. I took his hands wanting to hold them in mine, but I hear a "ouch" and he quickly took them away. I stopped kissing him and I saw blood all over his face, my eyes widen and I didn't know what to say but tear up. He looked at me being in shock and tears in my eyes, he wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead "I'm  fine Billie don't be afraid, don't care about my bloody face" I looked at him and said "don't  care about it?! are you crazy... look at you, you are all covered in blood and you're saying it's nnothing?!" he looked at me trying to make me not caring about. I took him to a room where we could be alone, I quickly took his hoodie off and saw a knife stabbed in his stomach "you need to go to the  hospital now!" he looked at me with tears in his eyes, I took him to my car and drove him to the hospital. He was bleeding a lot, but we had to wait for a doctor to come and get us. That made me hella mad, I saw him strugling with breathing and I took his hand and held it. He leaned his head on my shoulder, after a while I could feel him getting a lot heavier, he was  sleeping so deep. Josh woke up when he heard the doctor staying his name, he took my hand and told me to come with him. I wasn't allowed by the doctor so Josh yelled at the doctor and refused to come with him. Josh just came to me many time because he didn't want to go in there without me, when the doctor saw him refusing he just told me to come with him. Josh took my hand and he was holding it very hard, I could tell he was scared. "it's okay Josh the doctor isn't dangerous" he looked att me and nodded his head yes, I looked at him with a face that made him calm down.

Josh's POV:  

I walked in the door where the doctor was gonna kill me or at least it felt like he was going to, but when I saw Billie looking at me in a special way it calmed me down. The doctor was checking me up for many many hours and I saw Billie sleeping in a chair, when I saw her sleeping and not watching over me I got in a panic attack. She quickly woke up and walked over to me and held my hand, she looked at me and we were making eye contact. And that made ne focus on her and not the doctor, we held the eye contact for hours and refused to let go. I felt my hand in hers and that made ne feel safe. After a while we got a room where I  had to stay for the night, but Billie couldn't until i begged the doctor to lett her or else i told them that I would escape if they didn't let her. I told Billie to sleep with me, but she told me she couldn't because she wasn't allowed to. Then I walked out of the room and she ran after me and told me to get back to our room, but i didn't because I needed her to sleep in my bed with me. So I went to find the doctor who was taking care of me today and told him that Billie was going to sleep in my bed with him no matter what he said. Billie told me that I were going to listen to the doctor, but I just nodded my head no. After a while of yelling at the doctor he got tired of it and told me she could sleep in my bed with me. when we got back to the room I told her to sleep without clothes so she didn't sweat, Billie looked at me with a shocked face "come on now mama, don't be shy" i told her with a soft voice and smiled at her and that made her smile back and she started to undress herslef. I got in bed and so did Billie with only her bra and underwear. When she was almost asleep i opened her bra and putted it on the floor because she didn't look so comfortable with it on. When her bra was off she fell asleep very fast, but I couldn't sleep so I putted my head on her chest holding her waist. I fell asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night again as always, I saw her breasts and that made me hard and I also blushed a little. But i closed my eyes again and fell asleep. 

Billie's POV:

I woke up again in the morning seeing Josh sleeping with his head on my chest and i also noticed I wasn't wearing a bra and that made me a little shy. Have we done something?! I thought to myself, but didn't look like it. Josh woke up and I saw his hand on my boob, Josh was holding my boob... omg. "morning Josh" I said in a soft  voice and a smile on my face "morning mama's" he said to me with a tired voice, when he saw his hand on my boob he quickly took it away "I'm so so sorry! I didn't notice... please forgive me" he looked at me with a worried face I started laughing "it's okay, you probably didn't know" I said to him with a soft voice and a smile on my face. He looked at me with a smile and he stood up and dressed himself up with some clothes. I took my bra and placed it back on my breasts, but I didn't really want to because I kinda liked it when he could see them. The doctor told us we could go home again and that we could go back home and that he could go back to school. "Josh you are not allowed to have sex, not before six weeks" Josh looked weird at him "okay I guess... and why the fuck would I have sex??" he looked annoyed at the doctor "isn't that your girlfriend then?" "ugh hell nah! she's my teacher not my girlfriend!" and when he said that I felt a fire coming in my stomach "but i thought he liked me..." i thought to myself, i got kinda sad at the moment. when we got to the car he said "what I said to the doctor wasn't true I really like you and if I were dating you it wouldn't be a ugh" he said to me and that made me smile "okay that's good" I said to him. All I wanted to right now was to kiss him and before I got the chance to he kissed me first and that kiss got over to a make out. "fuck!" I heard Josh say "Josh wats in the way?" he looked at me and told me had to go home to his cat. I drove him to his house and he walked inside I was still sitting in my car "ARE YOU COMING OR NOT?" I  heard him yell from his front door. I quickly got out off my car and walked over to him, he closed the door and took me his bedroom. It was huge and it was full of posters form Family guy and Harry potter, and some posters of me ofc. His room looked like the space, his bed was huge and I loved it for just looking at it. He pushed me in it and it felt like I was landing on clouds, his bed was so soft. He jumped on top of me like I was a pool and i catched him and he smiled when he was laying on top of me and me holding around him. 

Josh's POV:   

I landed on Billie and her boobs was so soft and I just couldn't let go off her, I love her so much. She's my one and only and I don't know what I would do without her. All I wanted right now was to cuddle and her fuck her, but I knew I couldn't fuck her because of the stupid doctor. Billie felt my dick getting hard and that made her let out a soft quiet moan. And that made my dick even harder and she wasn't waring any pants, so I could see a wet spot on her underwear. I could tell she's horny and wet and that made just wanna fuck her more, but she didn't allow me because of what the doctor said. I didn't listen to the doctor and fucked her anyways, she lost all the power and melted under me. After all this she realized what we've done and that made her yell at me, but I just laughed.

hey y'all!!! this is a chapter I kinda like and I hope you do too<3 please vote and comment! love y'all<3

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