the schoolparty

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some days later Billie's students wanted a schoolparty and Billie thought maybe that would be fun, so her students went down to the gym and got things ready. Billie was still sitting at her desk in the classroom until Alex came in "hey mama's" Alex said to Billie in a voice who made Billie hella horny "hey Alex, is there anything?" Billie asked with a sweet voice "aren't you gonna fuck me mama's??" Alex asked Billlie with a mad face "Alex we're in school so no not now" when Billie said that Alex got mad and walked out and shut the door. Billie saw it so she ran out of the door and followed Alex "Alex wait!!" Alex looked at Billie with a bad look "what mama's?" Billie looked up at Alex "join me if you want me to fuck you, BUT you can't make any sound" Alex looked strange at Billie "you moan louder than me mama's" Billie looked at Alex and you could tell she was annoyed. She dragged Alex with her, but Alex didn't care. When they got to her office she pushed Alex into the chair like she was pissed. Alex took her waist and dragged Billie towards her, she also took Billie's pants off and her underwear. Billie took her shirt off and bra. she sat down on Alex's lap and they started fucking. after some hours they had to go because they got to go home. 

Alex went home and so did Billie because she wasn't gonna work late, but she had to work a little home. Later that night the schoolparty was about to start and Billie had to be there because it was her class. it came many many classes from the school and Billie were the only teacher there atm. Billie saw Alex sitting there with her friends and she couldn't take her eyes of her when Billie looked another way Alex looked at Billie. Alex came over to Billie and sat down with her, Billie leaned into Alex's shoulder and held her hand in hers. Billie hoped Alex could be her girlfriend some day and I think Alex wanted the exact same. Billie and Alex started making out and held hands. One of Alex's friends saw them and they tried to tease and annoy them while they were making out. Billie showed them the finger and they started laughing and so did Alex and Billie. "y'all wanna hang out with us tomorrow?" Alex's friend asked, Billie looked at Alex and Alex looked at Billie. "ofc we would like to" Billie said with a smile on her face and whenn Billie said she wanted to made Alex happy. Billie joined Alex and her friends outside for a moment and it was snow everywhere. Alex took a snowball and threw it at Billie and Billie threw back, Alex ran towards Billie and pushed in the snow. Billie grabbed Alex's feet and dragged her down in the snow, Billie tried to run but Alex had her feet so she couldn't. they had so much fun with each other and Alex's friends left them alone so Billie and Alex could enjoy each other with fun outside in the snow. Billie and Alex went inside again and Billie sat down on a chair with Alex on her lap. 

Alex saw Billie was sleeping when she was sitting on Billies lap, she stands up took her keys and carried her to her office. she putted Billie  in her the sofa on her office, so she could get some more sleep. Alex sat on Billies side and stroke her through the hair, she kissed  her cheek and went over to Billies desk and sat down on her chair. Billie let out some quiet snores and they were so quit you could hardly hear them. Billie was in a nightmare so she was very uncalmed, Alex turned around and saw it. she ran over to Billie and took her hand in hers and kissed her cheek, Billie woke up by her own scream. She saw Alex was watching out for her and that made her safer, Billie started crying because she was so scared. Alex saw it and she took Billie in her arms, but Billie still couldn't calm down. "shhh it's okay Billie it's okay, I'm right here mama's" when she said that Billie smiled and hugged her even harder.

the next day Billie went back to work tired as hell and just wanted to sleep, it had been a late night last night. Billie's students came in the classroom and everyone looked very exhausted "y'all wanna sleep?" Billie asked her students. they looked suprised at her "YYEEESSS!!" they all screamed at the same time "then go find some place to sleep, imma sleep too" she said and all the students smiled at her. Billie fell asleep on her desk and  her students were laying under their desks, the classroom was very quiet. Alex woke up and saw Billie sleeping peacefully. after school  they all woke up by the bell ringing "alright class you're dismissed" Billie said with a smile. Alex didn't leave at first "wanna marry me mama's?" Alex asked Billie with a tired voice, Billie's eyes widen in shock "is this just a question or do you actually mean it?" Alex didn't answer at first because she was sleeping "huh?? I'm sorry I was just sleeping a little mama's" Billie looked at Alex "is this just a question or do you actually mean it??" Billie asked again "oh yeah I mean it mama's" she told Billie "well yeah I would like to marry you" she said with a smile. Alex smiled at Billie and took the ring on Billie's finger "alright, but i better head home because I'm about to fall asleep mama's cya later" Alex grabbed her backpack and walked out of the classroom. 

Billie's POV:

"wow! I'm getting married!" I thought to myself with a smile on my face, I loved Alex more than everything and now I'm getting married to her. my mom knew about us she just don't know she's my student, but I guess I will have to soon or later. when I got home I went straight to bed because I was so tired and exhausted after yesterday night. I dreamt about Alex all night and I loved it. Alex was my one and only and I couldn't imagine being without her, but I don't know if we can stay together forever. the next morning i heard someone scream "BILLIE WAKE UP!!! YOU'RE LATE FOR WORK!!" I ran over to my bedroom door and opened it, it was Alex "Alex it's sunday" Alex looked weir at me "no mama's it's wednesday" I looked at Alex and then my watch "FUCK YOU WERE RIGHT" I rushed out of bed and went to the bathroom. I putted my makeup on and then my clothes, today I was wearing a black tight skirt and a shirt and a coat on top of that, I got out of the bathroom and saw Alex staring at me with widen eyes "what? it's just some clothes nothing more than that" I said and Alex looked at me annoyed. I went down the hallway and got some black shoes on. "aren't you gonna eat mama's?" she asked me "nope, I don't have time for that" she looked at me and pushed me to  the kitchen "yes mama's you will have to eat" she said in a way I did not want to say no to because that was not smart, but I did it anyways "no sweetie I've got to go now it's time for me to get to work" then she looked mad at me and gave me a DO IT look. I just looked at her and walked out the front door and got to my car "you are not going anywhere without eating mommy" I just looked at her with my eyes widen "wow you can get really mad when  I don't do as you say" I kissed her on the cheek and started the car "your parfume is missing mama's" I looked at her and opened a room and took my perfume out of the room in my car and putted it on "wow you  have it in your car" I looked at her laughing "you never know when you need it" I said and that made her smile. when I saw the ring on my hand I felt so lucky for having her as my fiance and feeling so lucky to marry her. Alex stared at me "EAT!" she said I started laughing and nodded my head no for teasing her "I don't have time for thatt sweetie" she looked at me and nodded her head. when we got to the schools property i said "get out of the car and go straight to the classroom while i park my car okay sweetie?" she nodded her head and I smiled back ofc. when I parked the car I went straight to the classroom, everyone looked at me. "what? is there something wrong?" I looked at them all "we love your outfit mommy" I heard one of the students say "wowow maybe we should calm down a little" Alex looked at me with a smile and I looked back at her, she smiled at me and I smiled at her. She looked so fine today, she is all I can think about. "Billie why can't you just teach us forever?" I heard Alex's twin say "yes Billie come on we know you can" I laughed and smiled "I don't think I can teach you all forever, but I will teach y'all for some years" I said smiling at them "GUYS IF SHE DON'T TEACH US FOREVER WE WILL DIE BECAUSE SHE'S OUR HOPE!!" they all made me blush and smile, Alex saw my smile and happieness. she looked at me and smiled at me, I tried to ignore it for not getting caught, but that didn't work. 

wow guys I think Billie and Alex is very in love! what do you think? please comment and vote! love y'all<3

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