Chapter Twenty

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I become overwhelmed with fear. What was I gonna do? I interrupt Luke kissing me to get the phone, or let Like continue?
Before I knew it the phone went silent. I had missed my chance. And Luke was..Luke was pulling off my shirt!


They're letting me go! I get to leave today! I'm so happy. Ill be able to hang out with Avery and Luke and we'll all try to be happy again!

As the doctor rings Avery I get more and more excited to see them. It feels like weeks since I last saw either of them. Maybe it was? Honestly, I'm having a hard time remembering things.

"No one responded so I left a message. Unfortunately you won't be able to return home until Avery comes to pick you up." the doctor says.

"Oh ok. I guess I'll wait here then." I respond and sit down in one of the couches in the lobby. I can't help but wonder what Avery must be doing to miss a call. Especially a call from here.

--two hours later--

The doctor sits next to me again after leaving me twenty minutes ago.

"Avery called back. Would you like to speak to her?" he holds the phone away from his face.

"Of course!" I respond in a cheerful voice. He hands me the phone and I hear heavy breathing on the other side.

"Hi Avery! So I'm getting let out early today!" I cheer.

"AHH coool when do you wanna be picked up?" She sounded different. Maybe she was drunk?

"Now would be great!" I respond

"Cooool ill be there sooon!" I couldn't tell if she was slurring her words or if she was out if breath. I doubt she was drunk. She was probably at the gym today. Right?

I wait on the couch for another ten or fifteen minutes. I notice my hands are shaking and I'm sweating a little. Why was this happening? It's not like anything bad happened right?

When Avery walks into the hospital she looks different too. Her hair is a mess, it's not even pulled back or in a bun. Her shirt is inside out and wrinkly.

What the fuck was she doing?

"C'mon Tess! Lets go home!" It seemed like she was trying hard to cover something up.

Why is Avery so...different?

Something has happened.

We pack my stuff into the car in silence. Only when we've gotten in and the doors are shut do I talk.

"What aren't you telling me Avery." I spit. I don't know why I'm in such a bad mood all of a sudden, I just have suspicions.

"Whatcha mean?" she responds as she backs out.

"Exactly! You never say 'whatcha'! You never slur your words! You never let your hair down! There's something that's happened. And you're not telling me."

She responds in a pissed tone now. "Tess...Luke fucked me."

Bloody Bracelets // LukeisnotsexyWhere stories live. Discover now